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With much pleasure I present my report for the 2005-06 season.

On behalf of all members I offer condolences to family and friends of those who passed away this year – Elaine Holland, Gordon Williams and past member Keith Boardman. We remember them kindly. We give thanks for those who have endured ill health and aggressive treatment and are now back on the greens. To those who still suffer indifferent health, we send best wishes and hope you are stronger each day.

Club roll-ups continue to be well supported. Tuesday appears to have become an unofficial third Club day – it is great to see the level of enthusiasm among members and hear the banter of friendly rivalry. The complex is being well used. We celebrate a successful and productive year with only a modicum of disruption to our programme, that did however, cause some concern. We sailed “pretty close to the wind” in regard to the Men’s Championships and Centre Champ. of Champs, but found a “berth” in time (the weather was kind).

Club Championships were played in a good spirit, none the less with determination. The environs, during play, were a credit to the grounds-people and invited good play and sportsmanship. It was a pleasure to both watch and/or play in. Good/very good bowling was the norm and new bowlers equipped themselves well, with and against more experienced players.

Bowls Taradale can be duly proud of their members who represented the club in centre, intercentre, regional and zone events. This has certainly been “our year” to make a mark and long may it continue. Practice, club spirit, support and perceptive selection will have all added to the outcome. Well done to all who competed at all levels this year – You did yourselves and the club proud.


Super Bowls:                             Jon O’Shea

H.B. Tong Cup (Jnr. Pairs):       R/U, Bob Gray and Cheryl Humphrey

H.B. Open Singles:                    Paul (Kumera) Selby

H.B. Women’s Junior Singles:    R/U Barbara O’Brien

H.B. Men’s Junior Pairs:           Jack Philip & Barry Hanlen

H.B. Interclub 7’s:                     Paul Selby, Jim Fitzsimons, John Hanlen, John McLaughlin,

                                                Murray Glassey, Barry Hanlen,

                                                Jon O’Shea

H.B.District Shield:                    Paul Selby, Phil. Young, Jack Philip, John McLaughlin

                                                Bruce Mitchell, Ross Hamilton, John Ward

                                                Jon O’Shea, Jim Fitzsimons

                                                Murray Glassey

I thank Umpires who give of their time freely – markers when applicable and the ladies who prepare morning tea.

The inaugural Earthquake tournament most generously sponsored by Graham Barrie and Tremains Real Estate brought two full greens. Next year, prizes will be more evenly spread – however we and Tremains were well pleased with the day. We shall continue to have non-composite teams as this tournament is special to Bowls Taradale members. Well done Wilma in negotiating such great sponsorship.

Running President’s Day as a Charity Tournament went well with an extremely pleasing result. This successful day was sponsored by Falcon Electrical and Venables Willis. With the monies made from a great raffle assortment and an anonymous donation we were able to present Cranford Hospice with a cheque for $1000. This was a truly heart-warming exercise and we look forward to continuing support for this tournament.

The Astrograss Mixed Triples Tournament played last July was the last under that format. Astrograss do not wish to continue this event as a National Tournament. They will be holding Invitation Tournaments at venues selected by them. We have applied for consideration re hosting such an event. There will no longer be a Superbowls event. The Bowls N.Z. board are considering a suggestion from Dorchester Finance to investigate the introduction of a National Mixed Pair event.

For the first time Bowls Taradale was invited to send two teams to the East Coast Chartered Clubs’ Tournament being held in Gisborne. The response to this was disappointing considering there has been so much discussion over past years re non-inclusion in this event. This is not a Taradale Club sponsored event. The team that did go, equipped themselves well with 2nd. placing in Division A. The team was: Ross Hamilton, skip- Peter Fletcher,3- Danny Millar,2- and Clark Nicol, lead.

John Hanlen, our official coach continues to give freely of his time – we are most fortunate to have him on board. During the year he supervises Thursday and Saturday coaching sessions. This year he has overseen 13 club members gain their coaching instructor’s certificate. They will be rostered to take groups at these sessions, helping with the ever increasing numbers.

The school’s programme is gradually becoming more streamlined and structured. We have purchased the Bowls N.Z. video/DVD and Manuals on coaching procedure. This/these are available from Wilma for all club members to peruse: (if damaged when on loan they will need to be replaced). Nicole Roberts won the Schoolgirl Singles “Ennor Trophy” this year with Katherine Matthews runner/up. Several of our young people qualified for the “regional play-offs” due to be held in Term 3 of this year – Katherine & Nicole in pairs, Alex Best & Abby Kilmartin (from Tamatea High) in pairs, Jason Darlington & Rachael London in Singles.

Selectors Val Ives and Dave Kaye did a sterling job. Marie Sherning and Bruce Mitchell added their weight as “sounding boards”. This is an unenviable task – broad shoulders are a pre-requisite!!

The “Give it a Go Bowls” this year was a 1st & 2nd year bowler exercise – they found 2 new chums. Although run a little too late in the season and the weather was not conducive, the evenings when play was possible were fun for all. Thanks to the BBQ crews and club personnel who came to help on the greens. We have 5 new members from this exercise along with 3 others who came to the Taradale Club Open Days.

Friday 1/2 day tournaments continue to be popular, especially during the winter season. Julie does a great job, diffusing and cajoling! The current ‘book’ is full with a number on standby.

We hosted three social groups celebrating a “Go at Bowls” evening. Tikokino School Party of Staff and partners and Tremains inter-office Sports Challenge had an hour or so coming to grips with the game and then went on to enjoy a meal at the Club. The Taradale Club Pool adjunct also had a fun afternoon with us. Each participant pays a $3.00 green fee. Two or three club members supervise these groups depending on size (we provide bowls and some instruction). The idea is to offer a package – fun on the green with a meal to follow.

As expected, Terry and Julie did a grand job with special raffles. We were most appreciative of the hand-knitted jersey to raffle. Wanda Guatieri supplied and spun the fleece and Doreen Elton hand-knitted the garment. Thank you both!

Our Club Captain continues to keep us and things moving along. He has attended to his role proficiently, in good heart and with prime “hosting” skills. He has been supportive of the management team and our representative players on the greens anywhere at any time. Thankyou Craig.

John McLaughlin’s email service is comprehensive, informative, thought provoking and overlaid with a sense of humour. Thankyou for your time and expertise. This website is the envy of many local and national clubs. Remember to check the shed notice-board – John leaves a weekly printout. He does have the winter season off though.

We owe our “Works” volunteers a debt of gratitude. The many hours spent by Kevin, Scotty and friends maintaining the complex: the preparing and marking of greens at some unearthly hour: the input of Allen Boardman, Maintenance Manager “and friends” with spraying, sweeping and grooming the greens to keep them in as near perfect condition as possible, thank you all. Bowlers like to come here and that says it all! The shelving for trophies set up under the Championship Boards in the Sports Bar are super – it all looks quite impressive – thank you John Calnan.

Last July we had a visit from Sharon Sims, then Region 3 Community Development Officer, who shared ideas re membership initiatives – food for thought. In March, of this year, Denis Toon, current CDO, Region 3, visited and left us with ideas re sponsorship, structured and recreational bowls – also much food for thought. The committee were interested in a particular sponsorship programme – information is with your AGM notes. (please return on AGM day if possible)

The Taradale Club Sponsored Tournament held on 6th and 7th May was a great success. There were many accolades re the organisation and friendliness though/over the two day event. Congratulations to David Thorne, Jim Fitzsimons and Dave Kaye for their organising prowess and to all the helpers they brought “on board” who also worked hard to make this event a continuing success. The Mother Club and Bowling Adjunct worked well together.

Our New Shed: The winter months are going to be a “shed spotters” dream. At time of writing I have learned (22/5) that Charlie Demanser, Stu. Nesbit and their group of volunteers are to start the framing this week. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their time and expertise.

Your committee set aside $7000.00 for this project with added monies available if necessary. We will start off next summer season in fine style. Where the old shed is now, a rock garden will be made, centred with a cairn of “old, old, bowls”. It is all very exciting and much better for those involved with running tournaments and championships and easy access to notice-boards.

There have been 11 committee meetings this year. Attendance for these meetings is as follows: Joyce Budge 11, Wilma Ennor 11, Irene Millar 11, Bruce Mitchell 11, Terry Christensen 10, John Calnan 10, Diane Mitchell 8, Val Ives 8,  Julie Haslett 7.

I thank all Committee Members for their support, time and effort over the past year. To those members not standing again, “you have served your club well”.

Julie Haslett (5 yrs.) is happy to stay on in an ex-officio capacity as Tournament Secretary and train a “new-comer”.

Diane Mitchell (5 yrs.) who has had many roles over the years, all of which were actioned ably.

Val Ives (3 yrs.) Women’s Selector, has gone about her job thoughtfully and “without fear or favour”.

To all of the above “Enjoy your bowls next season”.

Terry Christensen (5yrs) steps down from her position as Treasurer. Terry, who always has the “club” at heart has kept a beady eye on the finances and would never give a cent away without a battle. Well done Terry – a grand effort. Terry has put her name forward for an executive position.

Wilma Ennor is completing 4 years as Secretary. She took this role on when still a very junior bowler and we have been most fortunate to have been availed of her expertise and professional prowess. A good secretary is worth “their weight in gold” and she has consistently given 110%. Wilma has put her name forward for an executive position.


We belong to a great Club.

We belong to a friendly Club.

We belong to a helpful club community.

We belong to a progressive club.

We are a club that endeavours to recognise the needs and desires of all members – the social members and the competitive aspects of the game.

We belong to a club where people donate their time and expertise willingly


While this continues, the club will survive and thrive.

We all need each other!


 Thank you All,

 Joyce Budge – 22.05.06