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No 2 - Sept 11   No 3 - Sept 18   No 4 - Sept 25   No 5 - Oct 2   No 6 - Oct 9   No 7 - Oct 16   No 8 - Oct 23   No 9 - Oct 30   No 10 - Nov 6   No 11 - Nov 13   No 12 - Nov 20    No 13 - Nov 27   No 14 - Dec 4   No 15 - Dec 11   No 16 - Dec 18   No 17 - Dec 25   No 18 - Jan 1

NEWSLETTER No 1  -  September 4th  -  2006

Opening Day: Our summer season begins this coming Saturday, 9th September. Names are to be in by 12.45pm (earlier if you can manage) and whites are to be worn. Cost for the day is $3 per person. Come and meet new bowlers, catch up on “old” bowlers and have an afternoon of fun. A very big turnout is expected.

New Members: Last year, with 30+ new bowlers, we were the envy of every club in Hawkes Bay. Your warmth and generosity was a key factor in attracting and keeping these players.

As I read down the list of members in this season’s club handbook I am heartened by the number of new names that appear. Each new member is very welcome. This is your club and we are all there to help you (and beat you on the green – if we can!)

Bowlers are surfers: Some of you might be pleasantly surprised to learn how many of our bowlers have access to the internet. I still have 55 people to check but there are already 108 (membership is 182) on my emailing list.   

New Laws: Do you know the Laws of bowls have been reviewed worldwide so there is the same set of laws for every bowling nation? You can see the laws (including changes) by clicking the link at the top of this page. 

Very brief summary of the new laws: I will try to include the new laws in each of our newsletters but in the meantime here is a “summarised summary” of them. 

  • If you deliver the jack improperly your opponent delivers it.
  • After you win an end you can ask your opponent to play first (and they can’t refuse).
  • Mark your toucher – or lose it
  • Unless you are controlling the head get out of the way

Support your committee:
When you have elected a committee
From those willing to stand
Don’t criticise the things they do
But give a helping hand

They try their best
For each and everyone
So don’t whinge with all the rest
Go up and say, “Well done!”

We come for recreation
The game of bowls to play
So let’s be kind and helpful
And have a happy day
(Author unknown)

Club Calendar: Open mini hetero triples Friday 15th September 12.30 pm

Mona Pharazyn Trophy (mixed drawn pairs): This was played on Sunday 27th August in cool windy conditions. A large turnout made for strong competition and those who took part enjoyed the day. Congratulations to the winners (Jack Budge and Sheryl Taylor) and to the runners up (Colin Salmon and Lois Hook)

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NEWSLETTER No 2  -  September 11  -  2006

Opening Day  Immaculate grounds, festive decorations, a brand new Administration Building and a large turnout all made for a memorable afternoon to mark the start of the bowling season last Saturday. Following the formal speeches of welcome the new Administration Building was declared open then bowling began on both greens. Heavy drizzle caused a slightly early finish to bowling before members moved into the club premises for drinks, food and talk.

Barbara rolls up the first jack Colin McRae cuts the ribbon to open the Administration Building Scotty delivers the first bowl

28 New Members  During the speeches on Opening day our President, Joyce Budge, welcomed individually 28 new club members. These are people who have joined our club since the last season got under way. Aren't we lucky? It is up to each of us to cherish and look after these bowlers.

NZ Club of the Year  Did you know that the "Bowls NZ Second Club Conference" was held in Christchurch this past weekend? (Wilma was there) Did you know that Bowls Taradale was one of only a few clubs nationwide which had been nominated as "NZ Club of the Year"? Unfortunately we did not win the title but to have been in the race is a real honour. Well done to all of you for making it possible.

Quote  Do your best, even when the odds seem against you. Have faith in yourself and always believe you have a chance to win.

New Laws - Improper delivery of the jack
The jack can now be improperly delivered once by each lead. It is then placed at the 2 metre mark, with the mat being placed at the option of the first to play.

LAW 23: Improper delivery of the jack
1 The jack has been improperly delivered if it comes to rest:
· in the ditch;
· completely outside the boundaries of the rink;
· less than 23 metres from the mat line after the jack has been centred;
· on the rink after contact with the face of the bank; or
· on the rink after contact with any object or person completely outside the boundaries of the rink.

2 If a player improperly delivers the jack, the opposing player should place the mat and re-deliver the jack, making sure that it is centred, but the opposing player should not play first.

3 If the jack is improperly delivered once by each player in any end, it should not be delivered again in that end. Instead, it should be centred with the nearest point of the jack to the mat line being 2 metres from the front ditch, and the mat should be placed by the first player to play.

Etiquette  Start and finish a game with a handshake.

Club Calendar  Open mini hetero triples Friday 15th September 12.30 pm

Email from Alan and Marjorie Dawe  Hello John, and all our bowling mates, Good to get your Bowls Newsletter over here in USA. Hope everyone enjoys Opening Day on Saturday and welcome to all new members - we will catch up with you all later in November. Well it is hard to believe that we have been away for five weeks, and on Thursday (7th) we fly off to England. We have crammed so much into our stay here. We have visited numerous museums, zoos, been up the Washington Monument, got up close to the White House, and been to a baseball game in a huge stadium. We have been to San Francisco, Atlantic City, and New York. We went up the top of the Empire State Building, sailed past the Statue of Liberty and visited the Twin Tower site (very moving).Our family over here have shown us and given us a wonderful holiday in America, and it is sad that we have to move on. We only hope that the next 9 weeks will be as exciting in the UK as these ones have been.
Regards to all, Marj and Alan Dawe.

Tamatea High School  As many of you will be aware Bowls Taradale has been running an introductory bowling programme involving students from Tamatea High School. Two 8-week sessions have been completed and below are comments from three students: I enjoyed learning a new sport and I wouldn’t mind getting in the school team. I enjoyed the encouragement. It was a good experience.

Bowls is an enjoying, relaxing game to play. I learnt a lot about how to play and what strategies to use to win. The people are really kind and they treat me well.


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NEWSLETTER No 3  -  September 18  -  2006

12.45 pm
Remember our AGM?  Members wanted to start roll-ups at 1 pm so names need to be in by 12.45 pm  Please try to be on time to avoid disappointment or make unnecessary work for the organisers in trying to fit you in.

Centre Book
HB "Centre books” have been printed. For new members the Centre Book contains all sorts of goodies for competitive bowlers. If you are interested in competing in any Hawkes Bay event this book contains the calendar of events and entry forms. Contact details and tournament information for each club are included in the book. See Wilma or Craig for your copy (at Friday games or club days).

Bowls NZ AGM and 2nd Annual Club Conference - Christchurch 9/10 September
Thanks, Wilma, for providing this summary.
I was extremely fortunate to attend the above conference but disappointed to miss our Opening Day. However the conference and workshops were really good and I have summarised everything into a report and this is available, in a folder, for you to look at in the "Shed". One very interesting point discussed was capitation fees. There is a common misconception that the "grass roots" bowlers capitation fee helps to support the elite players. This is not true. Bowls NZ spends $57.15 per registered member in promoting our sport and in developing materials for coaching, youth bowls etc. and for this they use the $18.60 we pay for capitation. None of our capitation goes to High Performance players - all of their funding comes from SPARC. Please have a look at the report - there are some really interesting points for you to discover.

Compete against yourself and improve. You have no control over what the other bowler does. You only have control over what you do. Be better than you were the day before.

Etiquette - Lie the mat straight in line with the number on the bank and the centre of the mat. Hand your opponent’s bowl to him/her or place it next to the mat. Stand at least 1 metre behind the mat. The bowls on the mat should be to the rear and side of the mat. When they are directly behind the mat they can be a danger to those players who step back after delivering a bowl.

New Laws
At roll-up last week we were asked to be mindful this season of four new issues:
1. Improper delivery of the jack
The jack can now be improperly delivered once by each lead. It is then placed at the 2 metre mark, with the mat being placed at the option of the first to play.

2. Foot faulting
A player should take a stance on the mat with one foot wholly on the mat before delivering a bowl. At the moment of delivering the jack or bowl, the player should have part of one foot on or above the mat.

3. Encroaching on the neighbouring rink
A player should not go into a neighbouring rink where play is in progress.

4. The winner of a head may give the mat away
For the first end the winner of the toss, and for ends other than the first, the winner of the preceding end has the option of playing first. The opponent cannot refuse the mat and playing first.

Calendar - Progressive Triples
Sunday 24th September – Club Progressive Triples, starts at 10.00 am. Entries close on Friday. New bowlers may not understand “progressive” triples. You will be put into teams and the organiser will decide your position. Each player will be given a card showing your rink and bowling position (it remains the same all day). You will play with different players in each game. Prizes will be awarded for the best lead, best No 2 and best skip. I am certain new bowlers will enjoy this experience and it is a great opportunity to meet other club members. Cost for the day is $4

Wanted to Buy (or Sell)
If you have any item (bowls-related) to buy or sell please feel free to email me with the details and I will post it in the next newsletter.

Bob Howitt
Bob Howitt, one of New Zealand’s most respected rugby writers and commentators, has been appointed to the position of communications executive with Bowls New Zealand. He will take up his new post on 25 September.
(for more on this article click this link http://www.bowlsnz.co.nz/index.php?id=24&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=124&tx_ttnews[backPid]=3&cHash=e214be4de4

There are now 122 club members on my email list - wow!

Email from Alan and Marjorie Dawe
Hello to everyone at Bowls Taradale, Hope you all enjoyed yourselves on Opening Day. Gosh we are having a great time. We are now at our son`s house at Reigate, which is about 10 miles south east of London. We arrived here from Washington last Thursday night, and have hardly sat down since. On Friday after his work, Jeff took us to Brighton where we had fish & chips on the Pier, and looked at all the amusements. Then we walked thru` the township, which is very quaint and full of eating places. On Sunday we went to London, went thru` Buckingham Palace, and saw numerous other points of interest. Tuesday we went on a boat ride on the Thames, and in about an hours time we head off to Europe, so will be out of range for about 10 days. Will drop you a line then as to what we got up to there. Bye and good bowling, Marj and Alan

Junior Singles (men and women)
Next week (Sept 27) entries close in the Hawkes Bay Junior Singles for men and women - the competition takes place on 7-8 October. It would be a shame if new bowlers did not enter because they felt they were not good enough.  Many new bowlers participate and last year our club had by far the biggest number of entrants. Entry forms are on page 63 of the new Centre Handbook. Entry fee is $10.

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NEWSLETTER No 4  -  September 25  -  2006

Earlier Newsletters – I will leave only two newsletters on the home page of our website (the current newsletter and one from the previous week). Earlier ones will be transferred to “Newsletters” - there is a link at the top of this page.

Progressive Triples
Sunburnt faces and tired bodies were the aftermath of a well organised and enjoyable Progressive Triples tournament held at the club yesterday. Eighteen teams played three games of one and a half hours then after each game the composition of every team changed. The beauty of this type of event is that it mixes people up. "What a great way to meet our new players," I overheard someone say - and judging by the remarks I heard later that afternoon the day was a resounding success. Special thanks to Dave Kaye and Bruce Mitchell for helping make the event go so smoothly.

Etiquette – Be ready. Always be on time for the start of play and for the start of each game.

Champions keep practising until they get it right.

Junior Singles (men and women) – entries close on Wednesday
On Wednesday (Sept 27th) entries close in the Hawkes Bay Junior Singles for men and women - the competition takes place on 7-8 October. Entry forms are on page 63 of the new Centre Handbook. Don’t be disappointed – get your entry in now.  Entry fee is $10.

Alan and Marjorie Dawe
18/9/06  We are in Switzerland at the moment and are completely overawed by the beauty of Europe. Looking forward to meeting all the new members but have a few countries to see before we can do that.

Men’s Championship Triples
The first club championship begins next Saturday (September 30th) with the Men’s Championship Triples. The large number of entries already posted for this event indicate competition will be very strong.

Club Only 2x4x2 (mufti) – on Sunday October 1st at 12.30 pm. See the noticeboard for details

HB v Kapiti 5 yrs & Under
The following club members will be among 10 bowlers competing at Dannevirke on Sunday October 1st against Kapiti – B Hanlen, J McLaughlin

Gardener Shield
On the club noticeboard volunteers are being called for to take part in this year’s Gardener Shield. Games are usually played on Mondays.  We will field two teams of three players and compete against every other club in the area over 6 or 7 successive Mondays. For a full description of this tournament read p 26 of the Centre Handbook.

New Laws

A bowl should be marked as a toucher by a member of the team that delivered the bowl as soon as it comes to rest. (Law 25.1)  If a bowl is not marked or nominated as a toucher before the next bowl comes to rest, or in the case of the last bowl of an end, before a period of 30 seconds after the bowl has comes to rest, the bowl is no longer a toucher.(Law 25.3)

Bowls for sale (new)
The club has a brand new set of Henselite Eureka Gold bowls for sale, size 5, heavy. The asking price is only $300 ono  If you are interested phone Joyce. Anyone who does not belong to our club and who is interested could use the “Secretary” link at the top of the page to make enquiries.

Lifters / Bowls for sale
Two lifters - $15 each. Bowls bag  size 1 Heavyweight $50
Contact information for the above items is on the club noticeboard.

Club Quiz
This may work or it may fizzle out – there again it might be a bit of fun. Send me something about yourself (unusual, amusing, entertaining, embarrassing, etc) and let club members guess who it is. Keep it brief -
(1 or 2 lines). I will supply the correct answer the following week. If you wish to write about someone else you must have their permission first.
Here are some fictitious examples:
Name the club member who;
(a) was born in
England, married in the US and speaks fluent German?
(b) represented
Wellington at scrabble?
(c) competed in the
South Island Coast to Coast event?
(d) shares the same birthday as her husband?
(e) has won a “garden of the year” award?


Men's International Tri Series

NZ vs Wales, Singles

Sky Sport 2, Tues 26 Sept at 9.30pm - 11.30pm
Sky Sport 1, Weds 27 Sept at 3pm - 5pm
Sky Sport 2, Thurs 28 Sept at 10am - 12 noon

Matches from the international tri-series continue each week through October and well into November.  Screening times are expected to be similar each week, but we recommend you check Skywatch, TV Guide or your local listings to avoid disappointment.

PBA Finals Weekend

Southland TV and Channel 90 on Sky Digital, Sat 30 Sept at 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Same channels, Sun 1 Oct at 12 noon - 3pm and 9pm - 12 midnight

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NEWSLETTER No 5  -  October 2  -  2006

You are our Reporter
This is your newsletter. If you know “anything newsworthy” please feel free to pass on the information. It doesn't matter if several people mention the same thing - better that way than the other.

Nicole Kathryn Mandy Excel
Last week the regional finals of the Secondary Schools Championships took place in Hastings. Congratulations to Nicole Roberts and Kathryn Matthews for winning the Girls Pairs and to Mandy Boyd who was runner-up in the Girls Singles. These players will represent Region 3 in the Secondary School Nationals to be held in Christchurch next December.

Men’s Championship Triples
Last Saturday saw the start of the first Championship event of the current season. Brilliant sunshine and little wind meant sunscreen, hats and water bottles were almost as important as lunch. If the high standard of bowling on display is a sign of what is to come then our club can feel very proud of the calibre of bowlers it is producing. The Championship will continue in a fortnight (14 Oct)

Club Only 2x4x2
Almost two full greens is an indication of the popularity of yesterday's mufti 2.4.2  It was particularly pleasing to see more experienced bowlers partnering themselves with newer players. Another similar tournament is scheduled in two weeks time - Sunday 15th October.

HB v Kapiti 5 yrs & Under
When I wrote my last newsletter the Women’s Junior team had not been named for this fixture. Noeline Gardiner and Cheryl Humphrey from our club were selected in the women’s team. Both Hawkes Bay men's and women's teams did very well. The men beat Kapiti 14-2 and the women also won 9-7

It doesn't matter if you try and try and try again, and fail.
But it does matter if you try and fail, and fail to try again.

The mat belongs to the player who has just delivered a bowl. He/she has the right to stay on the mat until the bowl stops.

Open Over 60’s Hetero Triples
This coming Friday, October 6, our club is hosting a Triples tournament for the over 60’s. Make up a team, give your entry to Lillian then pack your lunch and be ready to begin at 10.00 am

Junior Singles October 7-8
We are lucky to have so many new members and many of them have entered in the HB Junior Singles this coming weekend. For those who will be entering for their first time a very special welcome. Remember you have no control over how well/poorly your opponent bowls so just concentrate on your own deliveries.
Men's games will be played at Bowls Napier. Women's games will be played at Taradale and Omarunui

Trial Ends
If this is your first-ever competition you should arrive early so that you can play two trial ends.
This is what the law book says about trial ends:
a. Trial ends should be played on the same rink that the game will be played on.
b. Each player should not use more than the number of bowls being used during the game.
c. The opponents of the team which started the first trial end should start the second trial end.
When each bowl comes to rest, any player or the marker can remove it and place it towards the front ditch.
If a bowl moves the jack, the jack should be put back to its former position.

Club Quiz
In our last newsletter I suggested a Club Quiz might be fun. You send me something about yourself (unusual, amusing, entertaining, embarrassing, etc) and let others try to guess who we are writing about. The success of this depends on your input. Here we go!

Name the person who:
1 - came out into the carpark to go home.  He walked up to his silver coloured Honda, pressed the “remote”, opened the door and sat down behind the wheel … only to find he had opened someone else’s Honda. His vehicle was 3 cars further along.

2 - celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in May last year

The youngest New Zealand men’s bowls team ever named
The youngest NZ men’s bowls team ever named will compete in the Asia/Pacific tournament in Christchurch in January. The five-strong team averages just 27 years, with Shannon McIlroy the youngest at 19 and Sydney-based Richard Girvan the team’s ‘veteran’ at 33. Also named are Australian-born Doug Wilson, 26, former world champ of champ singles champion Ali Forsyth, 27, and national fours champion skip Dwayne Cameron, 30.

Hit Counter
I have added a "hit counter" at the end of this page (just out of curiosity).
It tells you how many times people look at our site.

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NEWSLETTER No 6  -  October 9  -  2006

Open Over 60’s Hetero Triples
This was scheduled for last Friday, October 6, but the weather was so bad the triples were cancelled

Junior Singles October 7-8

Capacity fields, brilliant sunshine, aching bodies, personal bests and a very high standard of bowling were just some observations from the weekend tournament just concluded. In the HB Junior Women's Singles four of our Taradale ladies made post-section play (3 or 4 wins). Well done Noeline Gardiner, Lois Hook, Colleen McLaughlin and Barbara Exeter. This is Barbara's first year bowling (so "extra well done!") One semifinal was between Lois and Colleen. Lois won in a close contest before playing J Richards, Bay View, in the final. The first half of the game was very close then Judy pulled away and won. Congratulations, Lois.

Four of our male members made post-section play in the Men's Junior Singles - Barry Hanlen, Peter Townrow, Paul Harrison and John McLaughlin. John went down in the semifinals to the eventual Singles winner, Barry Wakely from Bay View.

Well done, Bay View for winning both the men's and the women's events.

Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan.

When you are on the mat waiting to play your bowl please check no one is delivering a bowl on the adjacent rink.

Men’s Championship Triples - Day 2
Next Saturday, starts at 8.30 am

Club only 2x4x2 (mufti)
Another great turnout is expected for this event next Sunday 15th Oct. After our last 2x4x2 I heard several people comment on how nice it was to see so many husbands and wives playing together. “Old bowlers” don’t forget our “new chums”. Many new players would love to be invited by someone with more experience.

HB v Kapiti
A second competition is being held next Sunday (Oct 15) at Dannevirke between Hawkes Bay and Kapiti. Last time it was for the Junior players. This time the Seniors and Development players (Years1-10) will be taking part.

Gardener Shield
Begins next Monday 16th Oct

Nice One, Brenda!

New Laws
Player’s positions (Law 36)
Players at the mat end not delivering a bowl should stand at least 1 metre behind the mat. Players at the head end not controlling the head should stand:
· behind the jack and away from the head,
· on the surrounds of the green if the jack is in the ditch, or
· well clear of the head if it is not possible to stand on the surrounds

 A player should not:
· go into a neighbouring rink where play is in progress.
· go into or walk along a neighbouring rink, even if it is not being used, while an opponent is about to deliver a bowl.
· go into or walk along the section of the green between the outside side boundary of rink and the side ditch while an opponent is about to deliver or is actually delivering a bowl.

Club Quiz
Name the person who:
1. - knits TV slippers for other members of her family and extended family ... and now has had a play written and produced about her knitting.

2. – left her vehicle last week at X’s house because X was taking her to Havelock North. When they returned from HNth she found her car would not start. She had left the car’s lights on.

Answers from last week
Peter Thomson - came out into the carpark to go home.  He walked up to his silver coloured Honda, pressed the “remote”, opened the door and sat down behind the wheel … only to find he had opened someone else’s Honda. His car was 3 cars further along.

Evan Pearson - celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in May ’05 

New members may not be aware that the Taradale Club stocks some basic bowling supplies such as Grippo all at very reasonable prices. Bar staff will be only too pleased to help you.

William Tell was a bowler
Historical evidence has been found that William Tell and his family were avid bowlers (known as lawn bowling at the time). However, all the league records were unfortunately lost to antiquity. Thus we'll never know for whom the Tells bowled.

The stork has landed
Some of you will have met Brent, my son, and Michelle who have attended some roll-ups over the past month. In this week's "game" Michelle won the toss, placed the mat at 8 am on Saturday morning and made her first delivery (a beautiful 6 lb 13 oz boy - black hair, large hands, will need size 5 bowls). Both Nana and Grandad are progressing well!!

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NEWSLETTER No 7  -  October 16  -  2006

Men’s Championship Triples - Day 2
The second day of the Men's Championship Triples took place last Saturday and now the finishing line is not too far away. Only four teams remain. The skips are Jack Halka, Jon O'Shea, Darryl Le Claire and Basil Hook. Each of these teams has lost one life so from here on it is sudden death.

Club only 2x4x2 (mufti)
Yesterday a second successful 2x4x2 was held. Almost two full greens was an indication of the popularity of the event. "Well organised, very enjoyable, a pity about the wind" was the reaction of one participant.

HB v Kapiti
Dannevirke was yesterday's venue for a clash between Hawkes Bay and Kapiti bowlers. A fortnight ago the Juniors from both areas competed but this time it was Senior and Development (Years 1-10) players, men and women. Gale force winds made good bowling difficult but HB were the overall winners, thanks especially to the outstanding results from the women. Representatives from our club included Wilma Ennor, Karen Grainger, Barry Hanlen, John McLaughlin, Jack Halka, Jon O'Shea, Paul Selby and Murray Glassey.

Victory is sweetest when you've known defeat.

There should not be too much talking behind the mat – it can disrupt the player’s concentration.

Junior Bowlers – Tong Cup
A few days ago someone asked me when will the HB Men’s Junior Pairs be played. There is no HB Men’s Junior Pairs. The closest you will get to it is the Tong Cup which is competed for in the first week of November. It is a 2x4x2 (pairs) tournament for Junior bowlers only and teams are hetero (two men, two women, or one man and one woman). Entries close very soon.

Gardener Shield
Begins today Monday 16th Oct

New Laws
If you are playing interclub (eg Gardener Shield) or representative bowls please be aware of the following:

Adhesive Markings

If adhesive markings are used, all bowls belonging to players within a team or side should have adhesive markings of the same design and colour (Law 8.1.8)

Club Quiz
Name the person who:
1. – lived in two houses while he was growing up. Both those houses no longer exist - each  was burnt down.

2. – wishes he’d taken extra snack bars away with him on a recent holiday?

Answers from last week
Noeline Gardiner - knits TV slippers for other members of her family and extended family ... and now has had a play written and produced about her knitting.

Noeline Gardiner – left her vehicle at X’s house because X was taking her to Havelock North. When they returned from HNth she found her car would not start. She had left the car’s lights on.
(Correction – When Noeline arrived at H Nth she remembered the car’s lights were on so she rang her husband who went and turned them off)

Coaching with John Hanlen
John began his weekly summer coaching sessions last week. Anyone who wishes to attend is most welcome. Coaching will take place each Thursday afternoon commencing at 4 pm. People with John’s skills are few and far between so ………... use his skills to develop your skills.

Countdown to the Nationals
If you are intending to play in the nationals please note … (from Bowls NZ website)
Dunedin is on schedule to host the  92nd men’s and 57th women’s Dorchester Holden national open championships, starting on Thursday 28 December. Entries close 20 October, and large numbers of bowlers are expected to descend on the southern city to challenge for national supremacy in singles, pairs and fours.

Marjorie and Alan Dawe – 10/10/2006
Well, we will be home this time in 5 weeks. The time has flown and I think these last weeks will too. We leave England 4 weeks today and we are going to France again on Thursday with Reg & Barbara (our daughter in laws parents) they are taking us through the Chunnel and then Monday we are off to Scotland. Will only be home two days then we are away in Cardiff etc for 5 days, home 2 and then to Prague and of course at the weekends we are out sightseeing all the time. Went to Oxford and Stratford on Avon on Saturday they were both beautiful places and then on Sunday we went to London and went to the Tower of London, Harrods, and Lords cricket ground, so we are certainly getting around.   Keeping up with the Bridge and Bowls news. Kind regards to everyone. Marj  & Alan.

Marjorie and Alan Dawe - 14/10/06
Well another week nearly over the time is really flying now and as we are away
for most of our time left in England from now on I`m sure it is just going to
go so fast. Tuesday was the birthday party and 14 8 yr olds with the loudest
sets of lungs imaginable enjoyed 2hrs of fun with us. Not too bad.
Yesterday we went to France for the day stopping off to look at Canterbury
which is a lovely little Quaint place with the narrow cobble stoned streets
which we love so much, We then continued on to Dover to the castle and the
church where Julias grandparents had strong ties, there is a photo of her
Grandfather in the church.We had a picnic lunch in the grounds of the castle
and then drove to Folkstone to catch the Chunnel to France a very fascinating
experience you just sit in the car and it takes about 35mins for the train to
cross the channel in the tunnel. We drove to a small seaside resort and it was
a beautiful day about 21degrees and we could look over at the cliffs of dover
and they were so clear. We then drove back to Calais and looked at some of the
shops we then had a lovely meal at a restaurant and headed back for our trip
home on the Chunnel all in all a very enjoyable day.
This could be our last email before we come home as our feet will not be
touching the ground much in the time we have left.
            Looking forward to catching up with everyone in about a month.
                                Marj & Alan.

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NEWSLETTER No 8  -  October 23  -  2006

Gardener Shield
What a great beginning to the Gardener Shield. Two wins against Wairere is a magnificent start.

Last Sunday I
met Cliff. He had spent most of his working life growing flowers commercially and eight years ago he retired and took up bowls. He told me the best thing about bowling was the people he met – pleasant, sincere, interesting. So …… for this week’s quote:
What you are as a person is far more important that what you are as a bowler

If you are waiting for your opponent to deliver the last bowl wait until he/she moves off the mat before placing the mat on the bank.

New Laws
Some time ago
I saw a player roll up the jack before placing the mat so I thought this might be appropriate – Law 19
Mat placement

If it is found that the mat has not been correctly placed:-
(a) before the jack is delivered, the player to play first should place the mat correctly.
(b) after the jack is delivered but before the first bowl is delivered, the opposing player should reposition the mat and redeliver the jack, but not play the first bowl.
(c) after the first player to play has delivered the bowl, no one has the right to challenge the position of the mat.

Women’s Championship Fours
This is the first Club Championship event of the season for our women bowlers. Play begins next Saturday, October 28th, at 8.30 am

Men’s Senior Championship Pairs
Starts next Saturday, October 28th, at 8.30 am

Coaching Reminder (with John Hanlen)
Coaching takes place each Thursday afternoon commencing at 4 pm.

Club Quiz
Name the person who:
(I need more contributions)

Answers from last week
John McLaughlin – lived in two houses while he was growing up. Both those houses no longer exist - each  was burnt down.

John Brockwishes he’d taken extra snack bars away with him on a recent holiday?

Movie Clips Using Your Digital Camera or Cellphone
Quite a few bowlers own a digital camera and/or cellphone and many of these take short movie clips. Have you thought of using your camera to make a movie of your bowling action? When you see yourself as a "movie star" it might help you pick up a flaw in your technique. If you wish you could show it to John Hanlen for a comment. If you don't have access to a camera or cellphone I am sure others would be only too pleased to help out.


Google made headlines recently when it bought YouTube for US$1.65 Billion.  YouTube is a website where you can store and play short movie clips like the ones I mentioned in the previous paragraph. I had never made a movie clip before so to show you how easy it is I used a digital camera and made a short one minute movie of four people bowling then put it on YouTube so you can see what it is like. Click on the picture link below. If you have a slow connection please be patient. Once you have downloaded the full clip you can replay it as many times as you wish.


If you are interested in having a look at the YouTube website click here www.youtube.com

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NEWSLETTER No 9  -  October 30  -  2006

Women’s Championship Fours
This event should have begun on Saturday but the large number of entries in the Men’s Senior Pairs postponed it one day. Windy cool weather meant windbreakers and jerseys were a must but this did not detract from the enthusiasm and determination of those taking part. Five teams remain; Sue Brock and Sylvia Rowe each have two lives while one lifers include Irene Millar, Julie Haslett and Fay Johnson.

Men’s Senior Championship Pairs
Bowls Taradale can feel very satisfied with the large number of entries in this year’s  Men’s Championship Pairs. Ideal weather on Day 1 was replaced by testing conditions on Day 2. Personal bests, surprising results and some outstanding shot play were all evident as the two days unfolded. Well done to everyone who took part. Four pairs remain after two days play. Darryl Le Claire & Peter Thomson (2 lives), Lex Parsons & Jack Budge (1 life), Bryan Gilbertson & Johnny Ward (1 life), Murray Glassey & Dave Thorne (1 life)

Fitness For Bowls
If anyone says “You don’t need to be fit to play bowls” don’t believe them. I played three games on Saturday and two on Sunday and my body is sending me a message. If you feel the same then heed the warning and do something about it. This is what my "bowls bible" has to say about fitness ....

Most bowlers develop good leg strength from playing the game but often neglect the stabilising muscles in the torso which contribute to a smooth delivery. Good cardiovascular and muscular endurance means less fatigue, especially at the end of the day. Most bowlers use walking for exercise to develop fitness but a variety of other methods (jogging, cycling, swimming) can be used to develop endurance. Stretching for flexibility increases the muscles’ range of motion; this promotes ease of delivery and more consistency on the green.

Do You Have Wind (?)
Do not expect to get the same results on windy days as you would hope to achieve on calm days. A bowl that is a metre from the jack in windy conditions will more often than not be in the count. When playing with the wind at an angle to the green play around the clock. Do not have your bowl finishing directly into the wind or finishing with the wind directly behind it. This means that the wind should always be hitting the side of your bowl as it finishes into the head. This has less impact on the slowing bowl compared with the wind hitting its running surface. Remember if you want to understand how to play in windy conditions then get out and practise on windy days.

If you can't accept losing, you don’t deserve to win.

After your opponent has delivered the last bowl wait for him/her to move up the green before you move off.

New Laws
Remember the mat is yours until your bowl stops. Sometimes you see an opponent standing on the mat about to deliver a bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest.

Premature delivery
If a player delivers a bowl before the previous bowl has come to rest, the umpire should:-

· on the first occasion, warn the player in the presence of the skip and advise the manager or the coach when they are present that a warning has been given.

· on every subsequent occasion, declare the player’s bowl dead, and the opposing skip or opponent in singles should choose whether to:
(i) replace the head
(ii) leave the head as altered
(iii) declare the end dead (Law 34.2.2)

If At First You Don't Succeed
Try one of the following;
a. Blame your Bowls
b. Blame someone else
c. Seek coaching.

Coaching Reminder (with John Hanlen)
Coaching takes place each Thursday afternoon commencing at 4 pm.

Club Open Mini Hetero Triples
Next Friday at 12.30 pm

Tong Cup
This annual event for Junior players commences next weekend. Four games of 2x4x2 will be played on Saturday with 3 and 4 winners qualifying for post section play on Sunday. Good luck to all those Juniors who have entered. Remember to “drink heaps” (of water!!) during the day.

Men’s East Coast Chartered Clubs Tournament (FOURS)
Held on 6-7-8 March 2007 at Port Ahuriri Bowls Club
Taradale is allocated TWO entries – but if not enough entries are received we may be offered more. Accordingly as there will possibly be more than two teams interested in playing in this tournament the committee is asking for team entries (SEE CLUB NOTICEBOARD) before 30th November. If more than two teams are received a playoff to decide entries will be held.

Marjorie and Alan Dawe
Dear All,
     We have just arrived back from Scotland had good weather in all, we have
had 4 wet days in the 12 weeks we have been away so that is pretty good , have
only 2 days at home and then off to Cardiff etc for 5 days. Scotland was good
but we both preferred Ireland. We visited the Royal Yacht Britannia and that
was brilliant we spent about 2 hrs looking around it. Did the hop on hop off
bus trips for 2 days but was a little bit restricted as Edinburgh is so hilly
and I could go down but not up. Went to Rye last Saturday and several other
little villages Hastings and Lewes, Rye was lovely and on Sunday we went to
Dorking , Shere and Boxhill also a place called Dawes Green and on the way
home we completed our trip we saw a fox sitting by a duck pond. He just looked
like a long legged Corgi.
     Once again see you all soon,
           Marj & Alan.

Dear All,
      We returned last night from our trip to Cardiff. Liverpool and
Nottingham, also visited Lacock which is a beautiful little village and then
on to
Bath which was very nice but much bigger than we were led to
believe, loved
Cardiff and did a tour of Cardiff Arms Park which Alan really
enjoyed. Liverpool has some beautiful buildings and the most beautiful Library
with a big round room with a magnificent ceiling. Nottingham was very Robin
Hoody and heaps of big shopping malls. We went across country to a friend of
Julias on the way home and the country side was lovely all stone fences
between the paddocks and lovely little villages.
       At 7.30 in the morning we leave for Prague and arrive back at 11pm on
Tuesday night. We are both getting very tired but we only have the Rugby on
the 5th and then we leave here on the Tuesday for 4 days in L.A. and then we
are home. I have had Bronchitis this week which hasn`t been so good but I`m
dosed up on Antibiotics so hopefully it will be all gone for our trip home
other than that we have both been very good.
    Looking forward to catching up with everyone in a couple of weeks.
                          Marj & Alan

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NEWSLETTER No 10  -  November 6  -  2006

Gardener Shield
Round 1 - win, win         v Wairere
Round 2 - win, win         v Port Ahuriri
Congratulations! We are the only club with four wins after two rounds

Tong Cup
Twelve of our Junior players took part in last weekend’s Tong Cup (Hawkes Bay Junior Pairs).  Of the 42 teams who started  the competition only 14 made "sudden death" play on Day 2 - including two from our club; Colleen McLaughlin / Barbara Exeter, and Barry Hanlen / John McLaughlin. Colleen (Year 2) and Barbara (Year 1) are to commended for doing so well. Congratulations to Barry and John who went through to the finals and finished runners-up. A large crowd was treated to such a close encounter (12-12 after 12 ends) that an extra end had to be played. "Sneak" and "Porky" (Kevin Barron and Craig Faulkner) from Bay View won the event.

Men’s Senior Championship Pairs
Day 3 of this event was held on Saturday. Only four pairs remained from Day 2; Darryl Le Claire & Peter Thomson (2 lives), Lex Parsons & Jack Budge (1 life), Bryan Gilbertson & Johnny Ward (1 life), Murray Glassey & Dave Thorne (1 life). Congratulations to Bryan Gilbertson and Johnny Ward for lasting the distance and winning the final against Murray Glassey and Dave Thorne. I was told Johnny was so excited to win his first-ever senior title he took off his hat and waved to all the crowd. What a great response, what a thrill for both Johnny and Bryan and what a fitting reward for consistent bowling. Well done to Murray and Dave. Of the 29 teams which started only you lasted the distance.

Senior Men's Pairs

Johnny and Bryan

Special thanks to
Bob Gray for taking
these photos

Dave and Murray

Of all your troubles, great and small
the greatest are the ones that don't happen at all.
-- Thomas Carlyle

Stand still on the head till the player has delivered the bowl. You can indicate with your foot where you want the bowl to finish but remove your foot as soon as the bowl is greened.

Fireworks Yesterday
The local police arrested two old bowlers leaving the club yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. So they charged one and let the other one off.

Slow and Fast Greens
The speed of a green is indicated by the number of seconds a bowl takes to cover the distance from delivery until it comes to rest 27m from the front of the mat. On fast greens, where the surface is dry and smooth, the arc travelled by the bowl will be large so the bowl will take longer to cover the distance, perhaps 15 to 20 seconds. On slow greens, where the ground may be soft and the grass more lush, the arc will be more narrow and the bowl will cover a more direct route to the jack taking less time, perhaps 12 seconds.

New Laws
During recent Championships some eyebrows were raised when we were told to put the finishing time on our scorecards. If any team wishes to lodge an appeal it must do so within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the game – hence the reason for including the finishing time.
The skip will record on the scorecard the time that the game finished and then sign the scorecard. (Law 37.3 dot point 5)

Women’s Championship Fours
Continues next Saturday – 11th November
Five teams remain; Sue Brock and Sylvia Rowe each have two lives while one lifers include Irene Millar, Julie Haslett and Fay Johnson.

Hawkes Bay Men’s Open Pairs
This event will be held next Saturday and Sunday 11-12 November. Good luck to all club members who will be taking part.

Second Reminder
Men’s East Coast Chartered Clubs Tournament (FOURS)
Held on 6-7-8 March 2007 at Port Ahuriri Bowls Club
Taradale is allocated TWO entries – but if not enough entries are received we may be offered more. Accordingly as there will possibly be more than two teams interested in playing in this tournament the committee is asking for team entries (SEE CLUB NOTICEBOARD) before 30th November. If more than two teams are received a playoff to decide entries will be held.

Marjorie and Alan Dawe
Hi again,
Arrived home at midnight last night from 3 days in Prague. It is a city full of amazing buildings as most of the European cities are. We had lovely weather and used the public transport which was very cheap, as were clothes, and meals, took the opportunity and did most of my Xmas shopping. Our hotel was lovely and the tram stopped at the door so couldn`t have asked for more. We walked miles again though and both of our legs and feet are feeling the strain still, only LA. to explore now I bet that will add a few more miles of plodding to two already weary bodies. We only have 3 more flights out of the 11 to go and when we get home we are both going to sleep for a week!!!!!! We are off to the Rugby on Sunday and then leave here on Tuesday so this will be our last contact till we are home as we will not have access to a computer.  The weather here is still nice although temperatures are dropping we cannot believe the luck we have had with weather. It will be sad saying goodbye to our family as we don`t know when we will next see them next hopefully they will visit N.Z. sometime. Must away watching N.Z. playing cricket at the moment doesn`t look too hopeful unfortunately. See you all soon.  Regards.   Marj & Alan.

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NEWSLETTER No 11  -  November 13  -  2006

HB Men’s Open Pairs - is ours!!!
This was held last Saturday and Sunday 11-12 November at Port Ahuriri (2 greens) and Wairere (1 green). 46 teams began the tournament and two teams from Bowls Taradale reached Post Section play on Sunday; Lex Parsons & Jack Budge along with Jon O'Shea and John Hanlen. Special congratulations to Jon O'Shea and John Hanlen who WON THE FINAL.  What an outstanding feat from two outstanding bowlers.

Gardener Shield
In this interclub competition each club fields two teams of three players
Round 1 - win, win         v Wairere
Round 2 - win, win         v Port Ahuriri
Round 3 - win, loss         v Omarunui
Round 4 - win, loss        v Bay View
Round 5                        v Napier
Round 6                        v Bluff Hill
Round 7                        bye

Women’s Championship Fours
In warm sunny conditions five teams continued Day 2 of this championship event last Saturday. Five teams remained alive from the first day; Sue Brock and Sylvia Rowe each had two lives. One lifers included Irene Millar, Julie Haslett and Fay Johnson. Steady draw bowling from many players made for some close finishes. At the close of the day's play Sue Brock's team still had their two lives intact. The only other remaining team was Sylvia's.

Those who watched Day 3 had a real treat of bowling in store. Sylvia's team, which had lost to Sue on Saturday, came back and beat them on Sunday morning. The final was a cliff-hanger; 12-12 after 14 ends and 14-14 going into the last end. Sylvia's team held on and won 15-14. Congratulations to the winning team of Sylvia Rowe, Jenny Hosegood, Barbara O'Brien and Colleen McLaughlin. Nothing can be taken from the gallant fighting spirit of the runners-up who included Sue Brock, Del Girven, Marie Turner and Viv McLauchlan. Our club can feel very pleased and proud of the calibre of our bowlers.

Sylvia's team
Colleen, Jenny, Barbara, Sylvia

Sue's team
Sue, Del, Marie, Viv


You are never a loser until you quit trying.

Please carry the bowls when returning them after a killed end.  Do not kick them up the green

Question: What do you do with someone who can't draw, can't roll the jack, can't set the mat, can't keep score and won't listen?
Answer: Make them skip.

New Laws
If ever you are watching a game of bowls please be aware that you are not to offer advice to those playing. The Rule books has this to say;
Spectators should stay clear of the rink and not offer advice or disturb players. Umpires can report spectators and controlling bodies may remove spectators from the green or the venue.  (Law 58.4)

Tong Cup ‘Flipper’

During last week’s year’s Tong Cup a player lost control of the bowl she was delivering. It slipped from her hand and rolled end over end for about 6 or 7 metres. One of her team wasn’t sure what to do and another called out, “Ask the ref.” Meanwhile the bowler responsible for the slippage retrieved the bowl and put it behind her on the bank (and did not replay the shot). What do you think was the correct thing to do?

It is dead! A bowl is a dead bowl if after completing its original course it comes to rest less than 14 metres as measured in a straight line from the mat line; (Law 27. 1)

Craig suggested I add the following: "Sportsmanship should (in my opinion) come into play, insofar  as if it has been an obvious slip and the bowl has only travelled a metre or two, ie. not a true delivery attempt, then that bowl should be returned for redelivery."

Busy Championship Weekend Coming Up
Two club championships get under way this coming weekend; both start on Saturday 18th November at 8.30 am
1. Men’s Championship Fours
2. Women’s Championship Triples

Paving Stones - Almost Finished

Where would we be without our great workers? Thanks men

Scotty   Les   Kevin   Alan

Club Only 2x4x2 Mufti
Entries are now being taken for this popular event - to be held on Sunday 26th November starting at 12.30 pm. The Entry Form is in the new Administration Building. Make up a pair and get your names in today.

Steve Clifton
Did you see Steve’s name mentioned in the latest “Bowls NZ” magazine? (p3 “From the CEO”) Kerry Clark writes: “It gives me pleasure to introduce our new Operations Manager Steve Clifton. Steve, who has a Diploma in Business Administration, has worked as a manager of various companies in Wellington and Auckland. He is a talented bowler, having made the last 32 in the pairs at the Nationals in Auckland in 2005 when playing out of the Taradale Club.

3rd Reminder
Men’s East Coast Chartered Clubs Tournament (FOURS)
Held on 6-7-8 March 2007 at Port Ahuriri Bowls Club
Taradale is allocated TWO entries – but if not enough entries are received we may be offered more. Accordingly as there will possibly be more than two teams interested in playing in this tournament the committee is asking for team entries (SEE CLUB NOTICEBOARD) before 30th November. If more than two teams are received a playoff to decide entries will be held.

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NEWSLETTER No 12  -  November 20  -  2006

Celebrate and Share
My grandkids tell me it is important to “care and share”. I am sure the same applies to our bowling family. When we have good news let us celebrate and share it with other club members. Some are beginning to contact me when they have good news to celebrate and share ...... so …….. keep it up.

It seems we have had strong gusty winds for months but who's complaining when our weather is better than that in most other places - at least we can still get out and bowl or watch others bowl.

Yesterday's finals (men's fours, women's triples)

Chartered Clubs Women’s Fours
In last week’s Chartered Clubs Women’s Fours hot sultry temperatures, hurricane force winds and very strong fields made for a challenging competition. Congratulations to Fay Johnson, Wanda Guatieri, Noeline Gardiner and Cheryl Humphrey for doing so well and making post-Section play. More than 130 teams began the tournament and these four ladies reached the last 32. Well done!

Men’s Championship Fours
Twelve teams began the Championship Fours last Saturday but by the end of the day those numbers had been halved. It is a healthy sign to see new faces coming through. Congratulations to the following teams for getting over the first big hurdle; Bruce Mitchell (2 lives), Jack Halka (2), Peter Fletcher (1), Dave Thorne (1), Murray Glassey (1) and John Lawrence (1)

The final came down to the teams skipped by Bruce Mitchell and Murray Glassey. Consistent bowling from all of Bruce's team was rewarded with the championship with their two lives still intact. Congratulations to Bruce Mitchell, Phil Young, Ray Falvey and Brian Annear. Let's not forget the worthy challengers who were Murray Glassey, Ross Hamilton, Jack Philip and Graham Weber.

Brian - Ray - Phil - Bruce

Murray - Graham - Jack - Ross


Women’s Championship Triples
Eleven teams entered the Championship Triples and again the presence of new faces is both healthy and encouraging. Congratulations to the six teams to qualify for play on Sunday. They were Julie Haslett (2 lives), Sue Brock (2), Joyce Budge (1), Lillian Baird (1), Maureen Parsons (1) and Wendy Mitchell (1)

If the state of our women's bowling is to be judged by this weekend's bowling then our club is in a very healthy state. The final of this championship was between Sue Brock's team and that of Julie Haslett. Although the score was a little one sided many ends were close but Sue's team is to be commended for going through the two days undefeated. Congratulations to Sue Brock, Wilma Ennor and Lynda Boyd (a new member to our club). Well done to the three who proved worthy finalists - Julie Haslett, Diane Mitchell and Betty Boddington

Lynda - Wilma - Sue

Julie - Betty - Diane


Gardener Shield Results
In this interclub competition each club fields two teams of three players
Round 1 - win, win         v Wairere
Round 2 - win, win         v Port Ahuriri
Round 3 - win, loss         v Omarunui
Round 4 - win, loss         v Bay View
Round 5                        v Napier
Round 6                        v Bluff Hill
Round 7                        bye

Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to stand behind a team, to defend a team when it is down and really needs you, that takes a lot of courage.

Stand at least 2 metres behind the bowls on the head making sure you do not kick any bowls accidentally – if so, your opposing player replaces it.

Delivering the Jack
If it is found that the wrong team has delivered the jack:-
· before the bowl is played by each team, the correct team will re-start the end. (Law 22.5)
· after a bowl has been played by each team, play in that end should continue in that order. (Law 22.6)
after the first player to play has delivered the first bowl, no one has the right to challenge the legality of the position of the jack. (Law 22.7)

Moving jack hits moving bowl from adjoining rink
Several weeks ago this happened on our green. Two bowlers (A and B) on adjoining rinks each delivered a bowl. A’s bowl struck the jack and the jack then moved sideways striking B’s bowl which was passing through A’s rink. What should happen?
a. Let the jack and the bowl remain where each comes to rest
b. Put the jack where you think it would have stopped had it not been hit
c. Put the jack back in its original position and deliver the bowl again
d. Mutter under your breath, smile and say, “That’s bowls!”
e. Declare the end dead

Law 33.3    
Jack displacement by a neutral person or neutral object

2. Displacement of a jack in motion

If a jack in motion is displaced by a neutral object, the skips should place the jack where they believe it would have come to rest. If they cannot agree on the jack’s final position, the end should be declared dead.

HB v Gisborne
Next weekend (25-26 November) HB Seniors and HB Development teams will be playing against Gisborne (in Gisborne)

Club Only 2x4x2 Mufti - next Sunday 26th Nov
Entries are being taken now for this popular event. Play gets under way at 12.30 pm. Make up a team and get your entry in today.

It was suggested I share the following with you ...
If you want to know how you can use your air conditioner booklet to program your DVD ask Jack B.

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NEWSLETTER No 13  -  November 27  -  2006

Results 2006
All current Championship results and Hawkes Bay results (as they relate to our club) have been updated and are now on our website. If you want to see who has won what, during this year or in previous years, click on RESULTS at the top of this page

Gardener Shield
In this interclub competition each club fields two teams of three players

Round 1 - win, win         v Wairere
Round 2 - win, win         v Port Ahuriri
Round 3 - win, loss        v Omarunui
Round 4 - win, loss        v Bay View
Round 5 - win, loss        v Napier
Round 6                        v Bluff Hill
Round 7                        bye

Every game is an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.

If you are standing on the head – keep still.

Who can stand on the head?

Most of the games we play at “roll-ups” are triples. Do you know where you should be standing at the mat-end of the rink when you are NOT delivering a bowl? What about when you are at the head-end?

Law 36        Position of players

1. Players at the mat-end of the rink who are not delivering a bowl should stand at least 1 metre behind the mat.

2. Players at the head-end of the rink who are not controlling play should stand:
       · behind the jack and away from the head;
       · on the surrounds of the green if the jack is in the ditch; or
       · well clear of the head if it is not possible to stand on the surrounds.

3. As soon as a bowl is delivered, a player who is controlling play, if they are in front of the jack, should take their position as described in paragraph 2 above.

HB v Gisborne
Last weekend (25-26 November) HB Seniors and HB Development teams played against Gisborne East Coast in Gisborne. Club members participating were Wilma Ennor, Karen Granger, Paul Selby, Murray Glassey, Jon O’Shea, Jack Philip and John McLaughlin.
Hawkes Bay won the Inter Centre Annual Fixture (and the trophy).
Development Women      HB 6      GEC 5
Development Men           HB 9      GEC 2
Senior Women               HB 9      GEC 7
Senior Men                    HB 5      GEC 11
Hard of Hearing: Strange things happen to people when they are staying in motels. Don’t let Jack P deny he asked me to turn the volume up on the TV just before the start of the test between NZ and Wales. He couldn’t hear anything (players were observing a minute’s silence).

Club Only 2x4x2 Mufti
There was another enjoyable 2x4x2 yesterday afternoon in warm gusty conditions. This is the third time this season we have held this Sunday event and each time it has been well patronised.

Taradale Club Open Mini Hetero 2x4x2
Next Friday 12.30 pm

Women’s Interclub Sevens Div 1 & 2 & 5’s
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this coming week

I know tennis players do it, May, but not us bowlers!

HB Open singles (Men and Women)
The best of luck to all taking part in the HB Open Singles this coming weekend, Dec 2-3. Taradale bowlers, Jon O’Shea, John Hanlen, kicked butt (to quote some of the younger generation) in the HB pairs a fortnight ago. Wouldn’t it be great if we could do the same in the singles as well.

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NEWSLETTER No 14  -  December 4  -  2006

Women’s Interclub 7’s & 5’s
This tournament was held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week.
Sevens - Sue Brock (singles) won 4 of her 7 games while Joyce Budge and Wilma Ennor won 3 games. In the 4’s Fay Johnson’s team (consisting of Fay, Noeline Gardiner, Wanda Guatieri and Wendy Mitchell) won 3 games and drew 1. Overall our 7’s team came 4th. Well done, ladies!
Fives – There were two teams entered in this event. One team included (triples) Del Girven, Marie Turner and Lois Hook while pairs players were Bernice Neilson and Colleen McLaughlin. The second team had Terry Christensen, Barbara O’Brien and Barbara Exeter in the triples. Playing in the pairs were Betty Boddington and Agnes Shakeshaft (Day 1) and Sylvia Rowe (Day 2)

Marie Sherning reports on the Interclub Fives Tournament
Bowls Taradale entered two teams – one in Division 1 and one in Division 2. The top teams from each section played off for the winner. Heretaunga defeated Kia Toa. Bowls Taradale were 4th in Division 1 and 3rd in Division 2. We had some very new players in our teams who played so well, put their heart and soul into their effort. Well done each and every member of Bowls Taradale. I feel very proud of you all.

Words of Wisdom (from one of our members)
You are always learning. If ever you play a game of bowls and don’t learn something, even if it is how not to behave, you might as well give up the game.

"There's nothing wrong with saying hard luck!
Just learn to do it without the snigger."

HB Men’s Open singles
Very cold windy conditions on Saturday greeted those taking part in the HB Men’s Singles. Taradale was well represented – a quarter of those taking part were ours (15 out of 58). Well done to the 9 who made Day 2; Jon O’Shea, Murray Glassey, Gerald Taylor, Phil Young, Jack Budge, Jack Halka, Paul Selby, Bruce Mitchell and Jack Philip. Semifinals included two from our club (Gerald Taylor and Jon O’Shea) but unfortunately they had to play each other. Congratulations to Jon o’Shea for winning the semifinal. Jon will play Mike Mabbett (Heretaunga) in the final – possibly late January. We wish Jon well.

Gardner Shield – We Won Our Zone!
Congratulations to those who took part over the past six weeks in the Gardner Shield. The two teams which played most of the games were; Bryan Gilbertson, Dave Kaye and Johnny Ward – and - Clark Nicol, John Speakman and Neville Hoare. Steady consistent bowling resulted in Bowls Taradale winning the Napier Zone.
Round 1 - win, win         v Wairere
Round 2 - win, win         v Port Ahuriri
Round 3 - win, loss         v Omarunui
Round 4 - win, loss         v Bay View
Round 5 - win, loss         v Napier
Round 6 – win, loss        v Bluff Hill
At some future date we will play the winner of the Hastings zone (possibly Havelock North).

It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sport.
What is tough, is being good every day.

Don’t encroach on the adjoining rink. When walking up the green try and keep to the middle. Remember other players on adjoining rinks.

Placing The Mat
There must be a minimum of 2m between the ditch and the mat but is it between the ditch and  (a) the front edge of the mat, or  (b) the rear edge of the mat?

Law 19  Placing the mat
19.1 At the start of each end
1. Before the start of play in each end, the player to play first should place the centre line of the mat lengthwise along the centre line of the rink, with the mat line at least 2 metres from the rear ditch and at least 25 metres from the front ditch.

Mat line
The edge of the mat nearest to the front ditch. All measurements involving the mat and a jack or bowl will be taken from the centre of the matline.

Women’s Championship Senior Pairs
Will start this Sunday Dec 10

Men’s Championship Senior Singles
Will get under way this weekend Dec 9-10

Secondary Schools Championships – Christchurch
In late September the regional finals of the Secondary Schools Championships took place in Hastings. Nicole Roberts and Kathryn Matthews won the Girls Pairs and Mandy Boyd was runner-up in the Girls Singles. We wish these players well as they represent Region 3 in the Secondary School Nationals in Christchurch on 10-11-12 December

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NEWSLETTER No 15  -  December 11  -  2006

Last week I told you Bowls Taradale won the Napier Section of the Gardner Shield. Unfortunately I gave you one wrong team member. The two teams were; Bryan Gilbertson, Dave Kaye and PETER TOWNROW – and - Clark Nicol, John Speakman and Neville Hoare. Sorry Pete!  The winner of the Hastings Zone was the Hastings Club. Taradale will play Hastings in the final.

Secondary Schools Championships – Christchurch
Nicole Roberts and Kathryn Matthews (Girls Pairs) and Mandy Boyd (Girls Singles) are currently competing in the Secondary School Nationals in Christchurch. We wish them well. 

Who Needs a Car?
Just one of the many sights Joyce saw on her recent trip to Penang.
I suggested to Jack he might like to use his bike to do the family's Christmas shopping. 

Women’s Championship Senior Pairs
Yesterday saw the commencement of the Women's Championship Senior Pairs. Entries were good but conditions were testing. Bowlers were well clad against the cold and seemed to enjoy the challenge. By the close of play seven teams remained in the competition. Two-lifers include teams skipped by Wendy Mitchell and Marie Turner. Teams with one life intact are those of Sylvia Rowe, Diane Mitchell, Lillian Baird, Sue Brock and Fay Johnson. Time and again I hear people comment on the standard of bowls being played by our members (men and women). John Hanlen's coaching is responsible for some of this improvement. The hours he spends helping our bowlers is surely bearing fruit. Regular practice and competing in tournaments also play their part.

Men’s Championship Senior Singles - A Sport For All Seasons
You may have seen a play called “A Man For All Seasons” but on Saturday bowls became "a sport for all seasons". The weather report for Saturday was showers, rain and some hail. Day 1 of the men's singles got under way at 8.30 am. The weather was cold, then warm, then showery, then calm, then horizontal rain, then .....

Our club can feel pleased with the large number of entries (35) and the calibre of bowling on display. By Saturday night numbers had been halved and by the close of play last night only three bowlers remained. Jack Halka is the only two-lifer. The other two in contention are David Thorne and Murray Glassey. Next Saturday morning at 8.30 Dave and Jack will play off while Murray will start with a bye.

Thank You, Markers
With so many called upon over the past fortnight to act as markers I thought the following poem was appropriate. Thank you, markers, for being so generous in very trying conditions.

The Markers
Up and down, walking, walking
Often measuring, sometimes chalking
Shifting mats, keeping score
Thirty ends, maybe more.
Aching back, tired of limb
Cheers for others, none for him.
Night draws on, darker, darker
No one cares, he’s the marker.

We care - thank you!

The Lead's Responsibilities
The Lead of a team in possession of the rink shall place the mat, and shall deliver the Jack ensuring that the Jack is properly centred before playing the first bowl.

Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them but do not let them master you.
Hellen Keller

Scoreboard v Scorecard
If you are playing in a competition in which both scorecards and scoreboards are being used Law 37.3 has this to say: (I have condensed it a little)
If a scoreboard is used as well as a score card, the second of the team which won the toss for opening play should update the scoreboard and the opposing second should deal with the score card.
winner of toss = board
loser of toss = card

Hawkes Bay v Bay Of Plenty
On Sunday (Dec 17th) HB Development and HB Senior teams, men and women, will travel to Taupo to compete against Bay of Plenty.

Christmas Ham
Next Saturday (Dec 16th) commencing at 12.30 pm we are holding our annual Christmas Ham Tournament. Single names are to be entered on the club noticeboard by Thursday 14th. The entry cost is $4 per person

From a Bowling Friend in Christchurch
A father in
Christchurch phones his son in Auckland (two days before Christmas) and says, "I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.

"Pop, what are you talking about?" the son yells back.
"We can't stand the sight of each other any longer," the father says. "We're sick of each other, and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Wellington and tell her."

Frantic, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone "Like heck they're getting divorced," she shouts, "I'll take care of this." She calls home immediately, and screams at her father, "You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?" and hangs up.
The old man puts down the phone, turns to his wife, smiles and says, "Okay, Darling, they're both coming for Christmas and they’re both paying their own way."

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 NEWSLETTER No 16  -  December 18  -  2006 

Secondary Schools Championships

What A Cool Dude

Mandy Boyd

Special congratulations to Mandy Boyd for reaching the Girls Singles Final in Secondary School Nationals in Christchurch. What an outstanding achievement! Well done also to Nicole Roberts and Kathryn Matthews for doing so well in the Girls Pairs Regional play-offs.

Danny Millar as you have never seen him before

: Mandy Boyd (Napier Girls High), 4 wins (+19); Katherine Everson (Otumoetai College), 4 (+13); Keitha Heta (James Cook High), 3; Kirsten Griffen (St Mary’s College), 2; Dorothy Lolesio (McCauley Girls High), 1; Jaimee Smith (Palmerston North Girls High), 1.

: Boyd beat Griffen 16-5, Heta beat Everson 21-7.
: Heta beat Boyd 21-4.

Rachel Oliverona and Samantha King (
Upper Hutt College) beat Liz Hosking and Jessica Culley (Tauranga Girls High School); Nicole Roberts and Katherine Mathews (Taradale High School) beat Anthea Shortland and Laura Styles (Spotswood College); Becky Anderson and Courtney McAlevey (Kavanagh College) beat Melani Watts and Charlotte Rennie (Mountainview High School).

Christmas Ham
What an outstanding success our Christmas Ham Tournament was last Saturday. Approx 112 members turned up, the weather was stunning, Joyce and her team worked hard to create a real Christmas atmosphere and everyone entered fully into the festive spirit. Three hours bowling followed by a couple of hours socialising was a great way to begin the Christmas season.



Hawkes Bay v Bay Of Plenty
Yesterday (Dec 17th) HB Development and HB Senior teams, men and women, travelled to Taupo to compete against Bay of Plenty. Club members taking part were; Wilma Ennor, Karen Granger, Noeline Gardiner, Jack Halka, Jack Philip, Barry Hanlen and John McLaughlin. BOP were the overall winners.
Men: BOP 22 - HB 14
Women: BOP 24 - HB 12

The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.

Gardner Shield  …  Our First-Ever Win
Last Monday Bowls Taradale (winner of the Napier Zone) played Hastings Bowling Club (winner of the Hastings Zone) and our team won. This was our first-ever win in the Gardner shield. Remember this competition ran over two months so consistency was paramount. Congratulations to the six players who competed in the final; Bryan Gilbertson, Dave Kaye and Dave Jenkins – and - Clark Nicol, John Speakman and John Calnan

Men’s Championship Senior Singles - Continued
With only three left in this competition play continued last Saturday morning. Jack Halka (2 lives) defeated Dave Thorne (1 life) so Jack then met Murray Glassey (1 life) in a real thriller. Murray eventually won 21-20 so the next time these two meet (probably in the New Year) will be the final.

Behind the Head or Behind the Mat
After you have delivered a bowl and before it has come to rest you have two options. If you want to track your bowl's progress you must be behind the head as it stops. In other words you must beat it to the head. If you don't go to the head you must be behind the mat as your bowl stops.

Scoreboard v Scorecard
If you are playing in a competition in which both scorecards and scoreboards are being used Law 37.3 has this to say: (I have condensed it a little)
If a scoreboard is used as well as a score card, the second of the team which won the toss for opening play should update the scoreboard and the opposing second should deal with the score card.
winner of toss = board
loser of toss = card


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NEWSLETTER No 17  -  December 25  -  2006

Newsletters In A Clearfile
Some club members who do not have a computer want to read back copies of our newsletter. Copies will be kept in a clearfile on the table in the club administration building.

Christmas Message

Click the picture

You can motivate players better with kind words than you can with a whip.
Bud Wilkinson

I imagine not many people envy the job of a selector. It must feel satisfying for them when the “chosen few” do well but it can be a lonely job when things turn to custard. Thanks Grace Williams (women’s selector), Dave Kaye (men’s selector) and Peter Thomson (Gardner Shield) for your good work.

A Selector’s Prayer
Blessed are they who can play sport
Blessed are they who can still be taught
Blessed are they who accept with grace
To play in any selected place.

Their bowl Is Going To Hit Our Jack!
During a Gala at the Port Ahuriri Bowling Club last week a bowl from a neighbouring rink was heading for our jack. The person on the head lifted the jack and let the bowl pass through. She said, “I am allowed to do this.”  Was she right? What would you do?

33.6     Jack displacement by a bowl from a neighbouring rink
If a jack at rest on the rink is in danger of being moved by a bowl from a neighbouring rink, any player at the head or the marker should stop the bowl.

Dorchester Holden Nationals
These begin this coming Friday, December 29th, in Dunedin

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NEWSLETTER No 18  -  January 1  -  2007


More Photos From Christmas Ham Tournament


Men’s Interclub 7’s, 5’s and 3’s
Games start this Saturday and will continue over the next two weekends.

SEVENS: 8.30 am start
Division 1 - at Port Ahuriri
Division 2 - Hastings Bowling Club

FIVES: 8.30 am start
Division 1 - Wairere
Division 2 - Port Ahuriri

THREES: 1.00 pm start


What's the worst thing that can happen to a bowler?
He loses his confidence.

When the game is over shake hands, be friendly and remember to congratulate the winner.

Responsililities of Seconds (Law 37.3)
The second should:
·   be responsible for the score card
·   enter the names of all players of both teams on the score card;
·   record all shots scored for and against the team as each end is completed;
·   at the end of the game, hand the score card to the skip who should record on it the time that the game finished and then sign it.

Video / DVD For Hire
Our club owns a video and a DVD called “Coaching Lawn Bowls – The New Zealand Way”. This is a new production and features Jo Andrews and Shannon McIlroy (current NZ bowlers), Lyn Johnston (National Coaching Coordinator), Stu Buttar (National Coach), and Clara Soper (biomechanist). You are very welcome to borrow this (maximum of seven days) – there is no charge. It is a “must see” for all new bowlers and those wanting to improve their bowling. It demonstrates correct technique, shows bowling strategies to practise, and illustrates common faults.

Please contact Wilma if you want to hire the video of the DVD.


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