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CLUB NEWS 2005-06

– Let’s make next Sunday, the club’s closing day, a fitting finale to a grand season. Names are to be handed in by 12.30. Whites are to be worn. Entry is $2 and if you are staying for food afterwards there will be an additional cost. There is a sheet on the noticeboard for you to add your name to if you are wanting food.

what a neat club, great spirit, good bowlers, everyone mixes, no cliques, our new players know their bowling etiquette, Joyce is the best, tons of volunteers, we’re always made to feel welcome, clean grounds, everyone speaks to you …..
These are just a sample of what I have heard during the bowling season. Each one of you is responsible for the collective comments above. Thanks for making the season such a memorable one.

– I have changed the layout of our website. The old layout consisted of a column of links down the left hand side and the information took up the remaining 75% of the screen. In the new layout the links are at the top of the page and the information takes the full width of the screen. I have also run some pages together and reduced the number of links. The heading is now multicoloured – for no special reason (I just felt like it). Over the winter you might like to check our website from time to time. If anything relevant comes up I will post it there. If you have not bookmarked our site please bookmark it now.

– took place last Saturday on our club green. Our team (Bruce Mitchell (skip), Ray Falvey and John McLaughlin) reached the semifinals but went down to the eventual winners, Heretaunga. The last two ends our team played were done so in semi-darkness … quite an experience!

– When you are bowling only the game in which you are playing is important.

– Visitors are always made welcome

– While the Juniors were bowling last Monday at Wairere someone asked what the markings in the WB stamp imprinted on the side of a bowl meant. I was unable to get a website that explained the stamp markings so I sent an email to “Henselite Bowls”. Bruce Hensell, Chairman of the Company, sent this explanation.
WB refers to World Bowls Ltd. R in a circle is a registered design of the World Bowls Ltd. Initial [N in our case] is the code of who the stamp is issued to - a manufacturer/tester. The number is the year of expiry of the stamp. eg.15 expires on

– If you are interested in how bowls are made you could click on to this link http://www.fredfern.com/index.cgi?tmpl=static&section=howtheyremade

This link explains how bowls are tested

– This event will be the last of the C of C championships. The Pairs Competition takes place next Saturday (23rd April). Representing Taradale are: (Senior) Paul Selby (skip) / Jim Fitzsimons - (Junior) Jack Philip (skip) / Barry Hanlen. We wish both teams well.

– Last Saturday our local paper printed an obituary (on P2) to Gordon Williams. I looked for an electronic copy of it on the HB Today website but without success. I did however find a tribute to Gordon on another site. If you want to read it click here http://www.nzfpm.co.nz/aces/williams.htm

– Kevin Ives has a set of size 4 extra heavy classic two's for sale $200 or near offer. Please contact Kevin or Val if you are interested.

– was held last Tuesday. Two full greens, many new faces and a day of fun all paid tribute to the hard work put in by Terry Christensen and her many helpers. Thanks to those who helped make the day special and to members who went out and invited players from other clubs to join them.

PETER HARRIS MIXED TRIPLES – was originally scheduled for 9th April. It has been decided to run this as a one-day winter tournament. A date and an opposing club will be decided by the incoming committee.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK – It's hard to beat a person who never gives up.

BOWLING ETIQUETTE – Bowlers usually start and finish a game with a handshake.

THINGS THAT HAPPEN BEHIND YOUR BACK – At the Champion of Champion singles a week ago an end had just been completed and the two players walked up to see the result. It turned out to be close so one player had to use his measure. He took a reading from the jack to the opposition’s bowl and then he turned around and began measuring from the jack to his own bowl. He had only just started doing this when the first bowl he measured fell over and finished up lying closer to the jack. What should happen? Does he re-measure? Does he take the original measurement? Is there another solution?
To check this for yourself click on Section 9 (Results of an End). Read Law 43

VIDEO / DVD FOR HIRE – Our club has recently acquired a video and a DVD called “Coaching Lawn Bowls – The New Zealand Way”. This is a new production and features Jo Andrews and Shannon McIlroy who are current NZ bowlers, Lyn Johnston National Coaching Coordinator, Stu Buttar the National Coach, and Clara Soper a biomechanist. You are very welcome to borrow this (maximum of seven days) – there is no charge. It is a “must see” for all new bowlers and those wanting to improve their bowling. It demonstrates correct technique, shows bowling strategies to practise, and illustrates common faults. Please contact Wilma if you want to hire the video of the DVD.

LOST AND FOUND -  There is a large collection of lost property in the club shed waiting to be reunited with their owners – 3 pairs of shoes, 6 hats, 1 bag, 1 jacket, 3 jerseys, 2 pairs of sunglasses, 1 polishing rag, etc. If these items are not claimed within the next week they will be given to “the op shop” or some other deserving cause.

CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS TRIPLES – will be played next Sunday. Representing Bowls Taradale are: Bruce Mitchell (skip), Ray Falvey and John McLaughlin. We wish them well.

JUNIOR PAIRS TOURNAMENT – TARADALE SCORES – at Bowls Wairere today Bob Gray and Dave Jenkins took out the honours with four wins from four games. Well done!

MEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS SINGLES – were played at Port Ahuriri last Saturday. Colin McLean is still overseas so was unable to compete in the Colts Singles. Byron Brook, Heretaunga, was the Colts winner. John McLaughlin reached the semifinals of the Junior Singles. The final was won by Barry Wakely from Bay View. The Senior section was won by Dave Stevenson from Bowls Napier.

MEN’S SENIOR PAIRS – were played yesterday after many delays. Paul Selby and Jim Fitzsimons beat Jack Halka and Gordon Bell in the semifinals. Paul and Jim then played Ross Hamilton and Jack Philip in the finals and won. Congratulations Paul Selby and Jim Fitzsimons on a well-deserved victory … and to Ross and Jack for consistent bowling all the way through the Championship.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK – Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
BOWLING ETIQUETTE – Be ready. Always be on time for the start of play and for the start of each game.

A BOWL SLIPS – IS IT ALIVE OR DEAD? – You are about to deliver a bowl and it slips out of your hand (perhaps because it is wet). However it doesn’t just drop at your feet but travels about 8m down the green. What do you do? Call out that it slipped, bite your tongue and say nothing, walk down and bring it back so you can rebowl, promise never to use wet bowls again. How far does a bowl have to travel to be considered live?
To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 6 (Movement of Bowls). Read Law 22

TARADALE FRIENDS DAY – This hetero triples tournament is on tomorrow (Tuesday 11th) starting at 10.00 am. The number of entries looks impressive. Thank you for going out and inviting people from other clubs to join you in this event.
SOUTHERN HAWKES BAY FOURS - Over this weekend a team representing Taradale Bowls Club (Peter Fletcher, Clark Nicol, Danny Millar and Terry Shakeshaft) played in the Southern Hawkes Bay Fours at Dannevirke in atrocious weather conditions. They were winners of Section B and on the final day were unbeaten in the fours, triples, pairs and singles to win the prize money.
GORDON WILLIAMS R.I.P. – Most of you will know that Gordon, aged 86, passed away last Tuesday. He will be missed by many. When I began bowling four years ago Gordon was on the green every day. Bowls was the sport that kept him going, he was fiercely competitive, he enjoyed the company of others, he had forthright opinions on a whole raft of topics and he didn’t suffer fools lightly. When you played a good shot you were told and when your bowling turned to custard Gordon was never slow to remind you. I will miss his bone-crushing handshake, the never-say-die mentality that underpinned each delivery and the complete honesty that was Gordon. We wish Nola and her family our deepest sympathy.

WOMEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS – It’s time to grovel again. I’m sorry, Noeline Gardiner, Cheryl Humphrey and Lois Hook, for missing your names from the list of ladies playing in the Champion of Champions. Noeline was our club’s Junior Singles winner while Cheryl and Lois won our Junior Pairs.

From the feedback I have received Sylvia Rowe (singles) reached the last four – well done, Sylvia ….. the others all had enjoyable games!!

MEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS FOURS – were played last Saturday and Sunday at Waipukurau. The day was sunny and still, the trip down was pleasant, the company was outstanding, the green was in great shape, the hosts were most welcoming ….. (what else did you want to know?)
DAVE WINS HB FIRST YEAR SINGLES – 10 entries from our club in this event must be an occasion that would make most clubs envious. Games were played at Heretaunga and Havelock North and I am sure it was a day filled with pleasant memories and numerous learning experiences. Dave Jenkins and Peter Townrow both scored the maximum number of wins – four from four – and went into the final playoff with three other “four winners”. Peter Townrow made the semifinals but went down to Dave Jenkins who then went on and won the final. Congratulations Dave.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK - One man practising sportsmanship is far better than fifty men preaching it.
YOUR BOWL AND ONE FROM ADJOINING RINK COLLIDE - If a bowl from the adjoining rink (called a “neutral bowl”) is heading for one of your bowls you may lift your bowl and allow the neutral bowl to pass. If the neutral bowl is heading for the jack you may stop the neutral bowl. But what happens if the neutral bowl is heading for one of your bowls that is still running its course. Do you stop the neutral bowl, do you stop your bowl or do you wait for the neutral bowl and yours to hit then send them back to be replayed?
To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 6 (Movement of Bowls). Read Law 28E
MEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS SINGLES – will be played next weekend (I heard at Heretaunga – but am not sure). Good luck to our representatives: (Senior) Paul Selby, (Junior) John McLaughlin, (Colts) Colin McLean.
MEN’S JUNIOR PAIRS – was completed yesterday. Ideal weather conditions soon deteriorated but the worsening weather had no detrimental effect on the quality of bowls being played. Congratulations to Jack Philip and Barry Hanlen for winning this championship (two years in a row) and well done to John McLaughlin and Kevin Hook for finishing Runner-up (two years in a row). Once again the impact of new bowlers showed they will very soon be a force to be reckoned with.
MEN’S SENIOR PAIRS – These were started some time ago and are due to be completed next Sunday morning at 9.00 am (or 8.30 – I am not sure). Paul Selby/Jim Fizsimons and Jack Halka/Gordon Bell will play off for one place in the finals. The other finalist is Ross Hamilton/Jack Philip. This is the last championship to be decided for this season.
–There is a Pairs tournament for Juniors players only at Wairere on Easter Monday, March 17th, starting at
9.30am. The bowling season is quickly coming to an end so why not make up a pair and put in an entry. If you are interested phone Elsie Tonks (ph 8434415)

Several times this season I have said if any of you want to report on bowling topics I would be more than happy to include them. The article which follows arrived a few days ago. Thank you, Irene M.

– was held at Gisborne Bowling Club 7/8/9 March.
The Bowls Taradale Team was as follows: Ross Hamilton (Skip), Peter Fletcher (Three), Danny Millar (Two), Clark Nicol (Lead). They finished runners-up in the Main Competition and it should be noted that this was the first time that Bowls Taradale had been invited to the Tournament.  ..... Well done!

JUNIOR MEN’S SINGLES – When you received your last newsletter the semifinals of the Junior men’s singles had just been completed. Peter Townrow and John McLaughlin played the finals on Tuesday morning in front of an appreciative group of spectators. Congratulations to John for winning and to Peter for being such a worthy finalist.
CLUB HANDICAP SINGLES – was played yesterday despite very overcast conditions. Again our Year 1 players showed they are a force to be reckoned with. Bill Ripley and Peter Townrow featured in the semifinals of the top division while Alan Dawe featured in the semifinals of The Plate. Congratulations to Diane Mitchell for becoming the overall winner - she beat Bill Ripley. Congratulations also to John Brock and John McLaughlin for reaching the final of The Plate which John McLaughlin won. Special thanks to the organiser, Bruce Mitchell, and those who helped make the day run smoothly.
WOMEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS – these events will be played this week (27-31 March). We hope each team does well. Our representatives are: (Fours) Joyce Budge (skip), Marie Sherning, Doreen Elton, Bernice Neilson. (Triples) Sue Brock (skip), Wilma Ennor, Jean Speakman  (Pairs) Joyce Budge (skip), Doreen Elton  (Singles) Sylvia Rowe  (Junior Pairs) Cheryl Humphrey (skip), Lois Hook  (Junior Singles) Noeline Gardiner
MEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS FOURS – will be played next Saturday and Sunday (I think at Waipukurau). Good luck to our representatives: Jon O’Shea (skip), John Hanlen, Barry Hanlen, John McLaughlin
HB FIRST YEAR MEN’S & WOMEN’S SINGLES – Entries for this event have closed. We hope our new bowlers enjoy this experience. The event takes place on April 1st.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK - Sports serve society by providing great examples of excellence. (The recent Commonwealth Games would be a good example of this)
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) – When the game is over shake hands, be friendly and remember to congratulate the winner.
SOMETIMES IT’S COOL TO BE SQUARE - Our greens appear square so I suppose that is why we sometimes play up and down the green and at other times we play across the green. At the indoor green at Heretaunga Bowling Club it is different - they play only up and down their green (not across).  Is that because their green is not square? Do you know how long a green must be in the direction of play? Is there a maximum and minimum length?
To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 2 (The Green, Ditch and Banks). Read Law 2A
SUBS TO BE RENEWED THIS WEEK – We get a lot of fun from our bowling. Thanks to the many who have already renewed their bowling subs. If you have not yet done so please remember your annual subscription is due by the end of this week. The cost is only $50.
MEN’S JUNIOR PAIRS – This competition has been scheduled for Sunday April 2 at 8.30am, Sunday April 9 at 8.30 and Saturday April 15 at 8.30am. Reserve days will be Saturday April 22 and Sunday April 23 – both at 8.30am. Entries close 4pm on Thursday March 30th.

Explanation: The first two weekends are scheduled for Centre Champion of Champions Fours and Singles. If any of our eligible players still remain in C of C events on the Saturday night preceding the scheduled Sunday, play will be postponed until the following weekend. Skips will be advised on the Saturday afternoon and requested to advise their partner. Further entries will be accepted if no play is possible on April 2 (and subsequently April 9)

GIVE BOWLS A GO – a very successful gathering of bowlers and “would-be” bowlers was held last Wednesday. Members, mostly Year 1, invited non-bowlers to join them for a game of bowls. Fun, frustration and hilarity marked the evening before finishing with a sausage sizzle. “Give Bowls a Go” will continue for the next five Wednesdays.
LADIES’ PENNANTS – were held at Taradale last weekend, 18-19 March. Bowls Taradale entered teams in each section. Julie Haslett’s team came third in the B section. Sue Brock’s team came third in the C section and Wendy Mitchell’s team came 2nd in the E section. Well done ladies.
ANOTHER FIRST - TARADALE WINS DISTRICT SHIELD – A month ago Taradale won the Interclub Sevens for the first time ever, now they have repeated the exercise in the District Shield. Each club fielded a team of 10 bowlers (fours, triples, pairs and singles) and the competition was divided into three sections. On Saturday Bowls Taradale played Wairere, Hastings, Waipukurau - Taradale won this section.  The winners of each section (and one runner up) competed on Sunday where Taradale finished up 1st followed by Napier, Port Ahuriri and Havelock North. Congratulations to the following: (Fours) Paul Selby, Phil Young, Jack Philip, John McLaughlin (Triples) Bruce Mitchell, Ross Hamilton, John Ward (Pairs) Jon O’Shea, Jim Fitzsimons (Singles) Murray Glassey.  Special thanks to Dave Kaye, club selector, for his encouragement, support and advice.
MEN’S JUNIOR SINGLES – Because of difficulties staging this championship earlier in the season this event is being held today and tomorrow. A tribute to the high standard of new bowlers coming through was evident in the semifinals where Peter Townrow (Year 1) beat John McLaughlin (Year 4). John had two lives before this game so Peter and John will play out the final tomorrow morning. (PS If Peter beats me tomorrow he will be removed from the newsletter emailing list!!!)
QUOTE OF THE WEEK - If at first you don’t succeed, you are running about average.  
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) – Do not remove bowls close to where the Directors are measuring. Wait until measuring is completed.
WHERE ARE THE OTHER BOWLS WHEN YOU BOWL - When you deliver a bowl all the other bowls are usually in a group somewhere behind the mat. The other day I saw one person deliver a bowl while there were two bowls alongside the mat and one was some distance in front of the bowler. Is this OK? Or do they all have to be behind the front edge of the mat – or is it the rear end of the mat?
To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 5 (The Game). Read Law 19
FIRST YEAR MEN & WOMEN – This coming Thursday is the closing date for entries for
Hawkes Bay 1st Year Singles for both men and women. The event takes place on April 1st. You will get only one chance at this event so get your entry in now to Margaret Nicholls, PO Box7398, Taradale. Entry forms are in the back of the “Centre Book” (yellow cover). If you are not sure what this is ask someone in the club. Remember the quote in last week’s newsletter: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
WOMEN’S CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS – these events will be played next week (27-31 March).

CLUB HANDICAP SINGLES – will be played next Sunday starting at 10.00am. You must enter your name on the noticeboard. First Year bowlers have won this event in the past so if you are a new bowler get your entry in now.

LAW BOOKS – A new updated version of the bowling law book may be published towards the close of 2006. For that reason you might like to hold off ordering from Wilma until the new books become available.
PRESIDENT’S CHARITY TRIPLES – were played last Friday and $1000 was raised for Cranford Hospice. Those who organised and supported this day can feel very pleased with their efforts. Well done.
JUNIOR 5’S – With so many new members Bowls Taradale was able to enter three teams in this event held at Port Ahuriri last weekend. Two teams came within a whisker of making Day 2 – well done. Congratulations on the following players for coming 3rd behind Heretaunga and Omaranui; (Triples) P Evans, D Jenkins, B Falvey  (Pairs)  M Shirley, C Laidley. For a team made up of four Year 1 bowlers this feat is outstanding.
TARADALE 2nd - INTERCLUB ZONE 3 FINAL – On the weekend our Taradale team finished second in the Zone Final against winners from Gisborne, Manawatu and Wairarapa. Fine weather, great bowling and some very close finishes marked the event.  Jon O’Shea’s game against Shannon McIlroy (NZ rep) was a classic. Jon was down early (2-9) but fought back tenaciously and won.  Murray Glassey and Jim Fitzsimons bowled consistently and won two of their three games. The Fours of Paul Selby, Phil Young, John Hanlen and John McLaughlin were just pipped in their first round but won their second game convincingly 33-11. The zone winners were Te Karaka from Gisborne who will play in the National Final on April 20-21 in Palmerston North. A special thank you to the many club supporters who came and encouraged.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK - Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) – Do not encroach on the adjoining rink. When walking up the green try and keep to the middle. Don’t walk up the side. Remember other players on adjoining rinks.
OUCH !  THAT HURT - Last week Bob was playing triples up at Bluff Hill when he was asked to drive the jack. His bowl hit the jack (as you would expect) which then went off on a slight angle and hit a member of the opposing team on the leg. What do you think should happen to the jack? Do you replace the jack and start again? Is the end dead? Do you leave the jack where it finished? Do you promise to remove the offending player’s name from your Christmas Card list? Is there another solution?
To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 7 (Movement of the Jack). Read Law 34.
GIVE BOWLS A GO – begins this Wednesday. Year 1 bowlers have each been asked to make up a triples team by inviting two non-bowlers to join them over the next six Wednesdays. Bowling begins about 5.30 and finishes with a sausage sizzle at 7pm. I am sure those taking part will have a lot of fun.
LADIES’ PENNANTS – will be held at Taradale next weekend, 18-19 March. Five teams of triples have been entered. Names of players are posted on the club noticeboard. Good luck, ladies.
MEN’S JUNIOR SINGLES – will be held on Monday March 20 and Tuesday March 21 starting at 8.30am. Those wanting to take part are asked to please confirm their entry. Entries close Thursday March 16 at 4.00pm.
– There has been considerable difficulty fitting in a suitable date for this event. It has been decided that the men’s Junior Singles will be held on Monday March 20 and Tuesday March 21 starting at 8.30am. Those wanting to take part are asked to please confirm their entry. Entries close Thursday March 16 at 4.00pm.
WOMEN’S FIRST YEAR SINGLES – Gale force winds and freezing temperatures might put some people off bowling but not our Year 1 women. Despite very trying conditions spectators could not believe the high standard on offer last weekend - a further tribute to the excellent work John Hanlen is doing. Sunday morning saw Lois Hook and Colleen McLaughlin fight out for a place in the finals - Lois won. The final, between Brenda Falvey and Lois Hook, had many close ends and tight heads. Strong winds made bowling difficult but Lois proved the better player on the day. Congratulations, Lois, for winning and “well done”, Brenda, for being a fitting runner-up. A special thank you to the markers and umpire who give their time so generously.
HB MIXED 2x4x2 PAIRS – were also held last weekend. Seven of the 40 teams that entered were from Bowls Taradale – a great effort. Four pairs made it to the top 16 section – Jack Budge/Julie Haslett, Phil Young/Fay Burne, Bruce Mitchell/Wendy Mitchell and John McLaughlin/Noeline Gardiner - and I have been ordered to tell you that the last pair was the only team of Junior bowlers to reach the top section!! Bruce and Wendy Mitchell are to be commended for getting to the semifinals. Well done.
SECONDARY SCHOOLS CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – were held last Saturday. Congratulations to the winner Nicole Roberts and to Katherine Matthews the runner-up.
RULE BOOKS – If you want your own copy of the LAWS OF THE GAME then you must get an order in this week. Phone Wilma with your request and she will place one bulk order. I don’t have an accurate cost for each booklet but it will be under $10.  Orders close next Monday 13th March.
PHOTO PAGE – I have put 6 photos on our website – look for the link “Photos” in the left hand column. Four of the photos were taken when the first bowling green was being put down. The remaining two were taken after flooding caused damage to A-green. I have no idea who the people are in the photos and my titles underneath are not very imaginative. If you want to email me with suggestions please do so.
- You are standing on the mat watching your bowl roll towards the jack. Sometimes a bowl finishes past the jack, sometimes it stops before the jack. If your bowl is 1 metre short of the jack is it high or low? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 1 (Definitions). Read Law 1D.
(cont) – Other members of the team can stand on the green but they should be behind the directors – keep still. Please carry the bowls when returning them after a killed end.  Do not kick them up the green.
QUOTE OF THE WEEK - Success isn't permanent, and failure isn't fatal.
JUNIOR 5’S – Bowls Taradale will be entering three teams in this event which will be played next weekend (11-12 March) at Port Ahuriri.
Team 1: (Triples) N Gardiner, C Humphrey, R Turner  (Pairs) J Philip, K Hook  (Reserve) P Townrow
Team 2: (Triples) A Dempsey, S Goffin, L Hook  (Pairs) G Bell, C McLean  (Reserve) C McLaughlin
Team 3: (Triples) P Evans, D Jenkins, B Falvey  (Pairs) D Seccombe, M Shirley  (Reserve) C Laidley
INTERCLUB ZONE 3 FINALS – A month ago I mentioned that for the first time in the history of Bowls Taradale one of our teams won the Interclub Sevens. At Bowls Napier next weekend seven of our members will compete in the Zone Final against winners from Gisborne, Manawatu and Wairarapa. The welcome will be at 9.30am and the competition will start at 10.00am. The best of luck to (Fours) P Selby, P Young, J Hanlen, J McLaughlin   (Pairs) M Glassey, J Fitzsimons  (Singles) J O’Shea. The National Final will be held on April 20-21 in Palmerston North.

ASTROGRASS IS NOW “TIGER TURF” - Bowls New Zealand and Tiger Turf NZ, New Zealand's leading manufacturer and installer of synthetic bowling greens, have announced a change to their association. A series of sponsored mixed triples events will be held at selected venues around the country, to showcase the company's top-class installations to bowlers and club administrators, and provide a focus for winter play in the regions.

And in a new partnership, Tiger Turf will contribute to the development of young players in bowls by hosting a training camp for the country's leading 19 and under players as they prepare for international play each year.

The new Tiger Turf triples series will carry cash prizes at each venue, and will be run under a consistent format endorsed by Bowls New Zealand. The event replaces the successful Astrograss Mixed Triples run by Bowls New Zealand for the past 9 years.

WE’RE NOT ALL THE SAME - Occasionally we try to bowl like most other bowlers but our body’s “diferences” (bad hip, stiff knee, tennis elbow, arthritic back) stop us from using the correct technique. One high jump athlete who was also different wrote: I was told over and over again that I would never be successful, that I was not going to be competitive and the technique was simply not going to work. All I could do was shrug and say 'We'll just have to see'. That athlete was Dick Fosbury who won an Olympic gold medal at the 1968 Mexico City Games.
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) – Stand still on the head when the players have delivered their bowls. You can indicate with your foot where you want the bowl to finish but remove your foot as soon as the bowl is greened. Stand at least 2 metres behind the bowls on the head making sure you do not kick any bowls accidentally – if you do, your opposing player replaces it.
BOOKS ON BOWLS – I received an email during the week from Geoff Barnett in the UK who has set up a website entitled “Books On Bowls”. Close on 300 books are listed with detailed notes concerning each title. There is a link to the website from ours under the heading “Bowls / Books” or you can click on this hyperlink http://www.booksonbowls.co.uk

The following notes are taken from his website:
Scope: Only books concerned exclusively or largely with flat or crown green bowls, and generally available to the public, are included.
What's new to the site: New information received in January 2006 allowed me to fill in missing details on three Australian books already listed: Gregory's Australian Guide to Bowls - a detailed handbook of instruction, records, maps, rules, teams and much more; In Search of the Resting Toucher - a practical guide to coordination, fitness and stamina; and One Up One Down - in which a wide range of bowling terms are humorously described and comically illustrated.

OOPS!  THERE’S MORE - In a recent game of triples those on the head (Directors) began moving bowls aside as they worked out the result of the end - then they discovered there was still one more bowl to be delivered. What should now happen? Do the bowls go back to their former position and the remaining bowl played? Is the end declared dead? Do you sack the Directors? To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 11 (Influences Affecting Play). Read Law 50 D.

BOWLS NZ NATIONAL AWARDS 2005-2006 - (from Bowls NZ website)
It's awards time again - time to acknowledge those people, or groups of people, who have achieved in their respective areas for the sport of bowls in New Zealand. Haven’t we got the best club in the country? Nominations close on June 30th 2006.

HIGH SCHOOL BOWLERS – With the assistance of six or seven club members, John Hanlen has begun a series of seven coaching lessons for Year 11 (Form 5) students from Tamatea High School. These lessons are planned as part of their Physical Education curriculum and my understanding is the students will be assessed at the end of the course. Results will go towards their NCEA grades.
TOON’S IN TOWN - Bowls New Zealand has appointed Taranaki's Denis Toon to help galvanise the sport of bowls. As Community Development Officer (CDO) for Region 3, Toon will work across Taranaki, Wanganui, Manawatu and Hawkes Bay, but be based from Sport Taranaki's offices. His job includes working with clubs to make sure that they are able to ride this wave of popularity and get their share of new players and the revenue and vitality they bring.

Last Tuesday Denis Toon met for an hour with John Hanlen, his coaching squad and several executive members. Part of the exercise was to familiarise himself with Bowls Taradale personnel, to find out what we were doing to promote our sport and to share ideas for increasing membership, bowls awareness, sponsorship, and other related issues. Denis then went out to the green and saw the pupils from Tamatea High School being coached.

WOMEN’S FIRST YEAR SINGLES – is scheduled for next weekend, March 4th - 5th. With so many new bowlers this year this Championship will be keenly contested. There are only a few days left before entries close.
HB MIXED 2x4x2 PAIRS – This competition takes place this coming weekend. Good luck to those club members who are taking part.
– Art Deco Weekend saw Cheryl Humphrey and Noeline Gardiner play each other in the final of the Junior Singles. A good number of spectators enjoyed a well contested game. In the end it was the consistency of Noeline’s play that saw her come through as this year’s Champion. She went through the competition with her two lives intact. Congratulations, Noeline - and well done, Cheryl, for being a worthy opponent.
– These began a fortnight ago and the nine teams remaining in the competition continued play last Saturday. Spectators were entertained with tight heads and a high standard of bowling - just what we have come to expect. Most games were close and by the end of the day three teams were left. Paul Selby/Jim Fizsimons and Jack Halka/Gordon Bell have to play off for one place in the finals. The other finalist is Ross Hamilton/Jack Philip.
– If you are one of those who entered events recently and fell by the wayside don’t be discouraged. Basketballer, Michael Jordan, said “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I've been trusted to take the game winning-shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
It doesn't matter if you try and try and try again, and fail.
But it does matter if you try and fail, and fail to try again.
(cont) – If you are waiting for your opponent to deliver the last bowl pause until he/she moves off the mat before placing the mat on the bank. Wait for your opponent to move up the green before you move off. This can be frustrating at times but this is another meaning of etiquette.
- From the vibes I have heard all season this is the big one! In Palmerston North next weekend Hawkes Bay (men and women) will compete against Gisborne, Kapiti, Manawatu, Taranaki, Wanganui, Wellington and Wairarapa. Taking part from our club will be Jon O’Shea, Barry Hanlen, Jack Philip and John McLaughlin. We wish them well.
- Listen out for Radio Sport's 'Spotlight on Bowls' show with Kent Johns and Ellen Cairns every Thursday night at 8:10pm. On the show you can learn all about what's happened in the world of bowls and what is coming up! Radio Sport's Frequency:  Hawkes Bay 1125AM

– If you are in charge of the head you are called the Director. For instance, in a game of triples, the skip starts off as the Director then when it is the skip’s turn to bowl the No 2 becomes the Director.
This is what the Directors have to do.
(i) The Directors shall make every attempt to prevent disturbance of the head by a neutral object, and may stop a neutral Jack or bowl, which is likely to displace the Jack or a bowl. The neutral bowl in course from an adjoining rink shall be replayed provided it was delivered on a bias which would have resulted in it re-entering its own rink.
(ii) Alternatively, the Directors shall have the option of lifting a bowl at rest upon their own rink which is likely to be disturbed by a neutral bowl in course providing that the lifting will not influence the result of the end.
(iii) The Directors shall make every attempt to prevent any disturbance of the head by a dead bowl belonging to their rink.
(iv) The Directors shall mark all Touchers of the Team.
(v) The Directors shall remove all marks which indicate a Toucher from the bowls of opposing players if those bowls are not Touchers.

Additional Duties - At the conclusion of each end all present at the head shall assist in the removal of all bowls to a position behind the mat.

To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 8 (Play, Players and their Duties). Read Law 38E.

- It’s been a busy weekend with three championships completed and one almost; women’s singles, women’s junior singles, men’s singles, colts’ singles. What a great lot of new bowlers we have. Eight colts would make us the envy of most clubs - and two Year 1 bowlers (including my wife) made it to the last four of the Women’s Junior Singles (I had to include that or I might have to start cooking my own meals!)
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – was started a week ago and completed last Saturday. The final, between Wilma Ennor and Sylvia Rowe, was a game of two halves. Wilma began confidently and was comfortably ahead before Sylvia could get a look-in. After a dour struggle Sylvia came from behind and emerged the winner. Congratulations Sylvia.
WOMEN’S JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – were played in hot windy conditions. It was especially pleasing to see so many new bowlers taking part. Sherrill Taylor and Colleen McLaughlin, both Year 1 bowlers, are to be commended for making the last four in the competition. One semifinal, between Cheryl Humphrey and Colleen McLaughlin, was a game of two halves. There was nothing between them for most of the game but when the score reached 13-12 Cheryl forged ahead and won. She will now play Noeline Gardiner next Saturday morning in the final. Noeline was very consistent over the weekend and she is the only woman left with two lives still intact. Well done, Noeline!
MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – Those lucky enough to watch the semifinals of Paul Selby / Clark Nicol and John Hanlen / Jon O’Shea saw some first class bowling. No player gave an inch and many ends were very close. Eventually Paul Selby and John Hanlen emerged as finalists. Both played well and mastered the gusty conditions. Congratulations to Paul Selby on becoming our Men’s Singles Champion. We are so lucky to have players of Paul’s calibre and that of John Hanlen, Clark Nicol and Jon O’Shea. What a promising sign it must be for our club’s future.
COLTS SINGLES – those watching this competition must have been impressed with the number of new bowlers we have and the level of their bowling skills. John Hanlen can take a bow for his input into our new bowlers (both men and women). Colin McLean went through unbeaten. Congratulations, Colin, on this outstanding feat. Russell Turner’s steady draw-bowling gave Colin some anxious moments but Russell could not quite bridge the gap that Colin had set up.  
OUR BOYS DOWN SOUTH DID SO WELL – Last week Ross Hamilton, Jack Philip, Johnny Ward and Graham Weber took part in the 33rd National Chartered Clubs Tournament in Ashburton. On Wednesday I received an email saying that they had reached the last 16. They didn’t get any further ….. but ….. didn’t they do well!

BOWLSLINK – is the official newsletter of Bowls New Zealand. In its latest issue is this article about Bowls Taradale.
Around the Greens
Bowls Taradale has just started a new initiative - a weekly newsletter is sent out to all members who are on the internet (approx 100). Those who do not own a computer can read the newsletter on the club noticeboard. Topics include weekend results, upcoming events, items of mutual interest and a weekly question relating to the rules of the game.  In addition to the regular newsletter the club also has its own website http://bowlstaradale.tripod.com.  Newsletter items are added each week. The site also contains the laws of the game, bowling links inside and outside New Zealand, an events calendar, coaching hints and lots more. Feedback tells the club that former members now living in other parts of New Zealand or overseas use the site to keep in touch. 
PS. Paul Selby told me yesterday that his brother in Melbourne found our website on the internet and uses it to catch up on the news of our club.

QUOTE - Compete against yourself and improve. You have no control over what the other bowler does. You only have control over what you do. Be better than you were the day before.
TRIAL ENDS – I was playing in a championship last weekend and we decided to start with trial ends. I knew I was allowed to use four bowls because we were playing singles. After each bowl was played someone would lift the bowl and put it on the bank. I overheard one person on the next rink say it was not necessary to lift each bowl after it was delivered. Was she correct? To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 5 (The Game). Read Law 17A.
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) – Remember the mat belongs to the player who has just delivered a bowl. He/she has the right to stay on the mat until the bowl stops. When you are on the mat waiting to play your bowl please check no one is delivering a bowl on the adjacent rink. There should not be too much talking behind the mat – it can disrupt the player’s concentration.
HB 2x4x2 MIXED PAIRS – entries close this coming Friday, 17th February and games will be played on the weekend of March 4-5.
OVER/UNDER 10 YEARS – A reminder for you to look at the back cover of our Bowls Taradale booklet for the Open Hetero Over/Under 10 years Tournament. This is held next Sunday, 19th February. If you wish to enter please phone Julie Haslett.
PRESIDENT’S CHARITY DAY – On March 10th our club is hosting the President’s Charity Day. Play starts at 10 am, the cost is $15 per team and entries close with Julie Haslett on March 3rd.
– I have just heard that Paul Selby (Kumara) has won the HB Men’s Open Singles. The competition was held in November but lack of time prevented its completion. The final between Paul Selby and George Ngamatua (Heretaunga) was played this morning at Bowls Wairere. At one stage Paul was down 2-10 but with concentration and support from a large Taradale Club contingent he was able to lift his game and won 21-15. Congratulations, Kumara! What a great effort!
- Now that the season is well advanced it seems we are in a period where championships are the norm. Coming up are events for new bowlers such as Colts Singles, First Year Singles, Junior Singles, etc. For some this may be a little daunting. If you are a little hesitant as to whether or not you should enter an event try to remember these few points:
a. You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be.
b. If you aren’t going all the way - why go at all?
c. The first step in success - is showing up.
– were played on Saturday and Sunday. There was insufficient time to complete the championship but one of the semifinals was between Sue Brock and Wilma Ennor. A hard-fought game resulted with Wilma taking out the game so now she will play Sylvia Rowe in the final which is set down for next Saturday morning, February 11th.
YOUNG GUNS REACH THE LAST SIX – or was it the mature guns??? Julie Haslett and Betty Boddington reached the “last six” in the HB Centre Women’s pairs. This is no mean feat and they are to be commended for it.
BOWLING ETIQUETTE (cont) - Lay the mat straight in line with the number and the arrow on the centre-of-the-mat. Hand your opponent’s bowl to him/her or place it next to the mat. Stand at least 1 metre behind the mat. The bowls on the mat should be to the rear and side of the mat. When they are directly behind the mat they can be a danger to those players who step back after delivering a bowl.

MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS – The Pairs, originally scheduled for October, finally got under way last Saturday and will conclude on 18th February.

MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – The continuation of the Men’s Singles took place yesterday. The field has been whittled down from 32 to 4. Semifinals and Finals will be held next Sunday commencing
8.30 am. One semifinal will be between Paul Selby and Clark Nicol while the other contains John Hanlen and Jon O’Shea.
OUR MEN IN THE SOUTH ISLAND – Ross Hamilton, Jack Philip, Johnny Ward and Graham Weber are taking part in the 33rd National Chartered Clubs Tournament in Ashburton. We hope they play well, enjoy the experience and travel safely.
WOMEN’S JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – will take place on February 11th. Entry numbers look encouraging. If you are eligible and want to enter  … run!
COLTS SINGLES – will be played on 11th February starting at 8.30am. Entries close soon.
HB v TARANAKI – Next weekend Hawkes Bay (men and women) will travel to Wanganui to compete against Taranaki. Barry Hanlen from our club will be taking part. We wish him well and know that all our HB players will do their best.

– Last week we looked at the responsibilities of leads and seconds. Now it is the turn of the skips. This is what they have to do:
(i) The Skip shall have sole charge of the Team, and the Skip’s instructions shall be observed by all the players of the Team.
(ii) Skips shall decide all disputed points, and when both agree their decision shall be final.
(iii) If the Skips cannot agree, the point in dispute shall be referred to an Umpire whose decision shall be final.
(iv) Skips may at any time delegate their powers and any of their duties to other Members of their Team provided that such delegation is notified to the opposing Skip. In particular the Skip shall nominate any Member of the Team to measure any disputed shots on behalf of the Team.

To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 8 (Play, Players and their Duties). Read Law 38A.

– Last Friday was the 75th anniversary of the Napier Earthquake so it was a fitting date to stage the inaugural Earthquake Triples Tournament sponsored by Tremain Real Estate. The weather was ideal, both greens were full and competition was strong. It is hoped this will become a regular annual event. The winning team consisted of Sue Brock, John Brock and Evan Pearson. Runners-up were Peter Fletcher, Marie Turner and Russell Turner. The team that came third was Terry Shakeshaft, Agnes Shakeshaft and Denis Standring.

– For the first time in the history of our club the Bowls Taradale Sevens won the Interclub Sevens. Last weekend they were four points ahead of their nearest rival but had still to play three more games. They won two of those three. Congratulations to (Fours) P Selby, J Fitzsimons, J Hanlen, J McLaughlin   (Pairs) M Glassey, B Hanlen   (Singles) J O’Shea.

The Sevens Competition is a National Competition so the next stage is a Zone Final where our Taradale team will compete with interclub winners from Gisborne, Manawatu and Wairarapa. These games will be played in Napier on March 11-12 and the winner goes forward to the National Final (Palmerston North) on April 20-21.

– Composition of teams and partial results were published last week. Final results are as follows:
Division 1 - unplaced
Division 2 - unplaced

FIVES: Taradale 3rd.

Division 1 - Taradale 1st
Division 2 – Taradale 3rd

Selectors sometimes get overlooked. Thank you, Dave Kaye, for the time and effort you spent selecting combinations, arranging practices and giving encouragement and advice.

–These games began in late October but were not completed until yesterday, 29th January. Bruce Mitchell’s team was one finalist while Paul Selby’s team and Jon O’Shea’s team had to play off for the other spot.   Congratulations to the winning team of Jon O’Shea (skip), John Hanlen, Barry Hanlen and John McLaughlin. A true indication of the closeness of the final was that after 17 ends only 18 points had been scored. The runner-ups must be commended for putting up such stern opposition. That team consisted of Bruce Mitchell (skip), Phil Young, Brian Annear and Evan Pearson.
- Bowls Taradale hosted this competition over the weekend. The Taradale combination of Barbara O’Brien and Noeline Gardiner made post-section play but did not feature in the finals. Well done to them and all who took part.
– Most of our members are either leads or seconds. In case you are not sure of your responsibilities when playing in these positions this is what the rule book says:
The Lead - The Lead of the Team in possession of the rink shall place the mat, and shall deliver the Jack ensuring that the Jack is properly centred before playing the first bowl.
The Second - Each Second player shall keep a record of all shots scored for and against the Team either on the Score Card retaining possession while the game is in progress or on the Score Board. Each Second player shall see that the names of all players are entered on the Score Card and shall compare the record of the game with that of the opposing Second player as each end is declared and, at the close of the game, shall hand the Score Card to each Skip to be signed. To check this for yourself click in the left hand column Section 8 (Play, Players and their Duties). Read Law 38C and 38D.
– It’s amazing what you come across when you read our club noticeboard. I saw a section on “Bowls Etiquette” and judging by the pin holes in its corners it must have been up for many moons and I wasn’t aware of it even being there. Perhaps others have missed it too so ……I will put little sections of it in the next few newsletters. My first entry is “an extra” from Page 2 and reminds us of the often thankless but valuable role markers play in the game we love. It is called “Nobody’s Darling”.

Up and down, walking, walking
Often measuring, sometimes chalking
Shifting mats, keeping score
Thirty ends, maybe more.
Aching back, tired of limb
Cheers for others, none for him.
Night draws on, darker, darker
No one cares, he’s the marker.
– The Pairs will be played next Saturday 4th February and Saturday 18th February while the continuation of the Singles is scheduled for Sunday 5th  February.
– This competition has been transferred to February 11th. Entry numbers look encouraging. If you are eligible and have not entered please give it your consideration.
– These will be played on 11th February starting at 8.30am
JUNIOR WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS – were played last weekend. The standard of play matched the weather – hot stuff. Congratulations to Cheryl Humphrey and Lois Hook (winners) and to Barbara O’Brien and Noeline Gardiner (runners-up). The future of our women players looks bright if the calibre of these new bowlers is anything to go by.
HB OPEN WOMEN’S PAIRS – will be played over the next three days (24th, 25th, 26th January). Winners of this competition go on to compete in the NZ Community Trust National Tournament.
HB OPEN WOMEN’S 2 BOWL TRIPLES – Entries for this close on Friday 27th January. Games begin mid-February. Winners of this competition also go on to compete in the NZ Community Trust National Tournament.
HB INTERCLUB – This competition for men began last Saturday. Taradale fielded two 3’s teams, one 5’s team (triples and pairs) and two 7’s teams (fours, pairs and singles). Results to date (as close as I can get them) are as follows:

D Thorne, C Ennor, Kevin Hook – won 3 out of 4 games
J Lawrence, J Speakman, A Dawe/C Nicol – won 2 out of 4 games

FIVES: Our Taradale team came 3rd. Congratulations to (Pairs) E Pearson, S Clifton  (Triples) G Weber, C Downing, L Parsons.

SEVENS: Congratulations to the Division 2 team for also coming 3rd. The team was made up of  (Fours) B Mitchell, B Gilbertson, R Falvey, D Millar   (Pairs) P Fletcher, R Rae  (Singles) D Le Claire

The Division 1 team is on target to win the 7’s. They are 4 points ahead of their nearest rival (Havelock North) with one round to go. This round will be played next Saturday morning. Players who form this team are (Fours) P Selby, J Fitzsimons, J Hanlen, J McLaughlin   (Pairs) M Glassey, B Hanlen   (Singles) J O’Shea

SOMEONE PLAYED MY BOWL – During the Interclub games on the weekend one player discovered someone else had played his bowl. What should happen to that bowl? Should it be removed, should it be replaced, should it be played again? To check the answer click in the left hand column Section 11 (Influences Affecting Play). Read Law 50B.
JUNIOR WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES – This competition was scheduled for next Saturday but has now been transferred to February 11th. Entry numbers look very encouraging. If you have not entered please give it consideration.
LAST WEEKEND WAS BARBARA’S AND BARRY’S – The Hawkes Bay Junior Singles were played last weekend at Bowls Napier (men) and Port Ahuriri (women). Congratulations to Barbara O’Brien for fighting out the women’s finals and giving the eventual winner, P Hirsch from Havelock North, a great run for her money. In the men’s competition Barry Hanlen and Jack Philip reached Post-Section play – well done. Barry Hanlen’s consistent good draw bowling was eventually rewarded and he reached the semifinals. Congratulations Barry. The final was won by a bowler from Levin. The sight of so many club spectators was a welcome treat to those participating.
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLES – the finals of these were held last Saturday morning. Congratulations to the winning team of Sue Brock, Wilma Ennor and Jean Speakman. Going in to the finals Sue’s team had only one life left so they had to beat Lillian Baird, Jenny Hosegood and Anne Dempsey twice. Lillian’s team fought hard but on the day could not match the consistency of Sue’s team. It is no mean feat to reach the finals so all six players should feel very pleased with their achievements.
IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE – Just before play began at our mini triples on Friday one of our bowlers found a pair of prescription glasses and handed them in to the tournament organiser. Several minutes later an announcement was made over the loudspeaker alerting players to the find. A short time later the embarrassed owner of the spectacles was found. It was the same person who handed them in! Can it get any worse? You wouldn’t think so but ….. three hours later the same person left his club card at the bar and had that returned to him as well. Perhaps we can blame it on Friday 13th. Never mind Tom (“I-forget-your-last-name”) it can happen to anyone.
JUNIOR WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS – entries close on January 19th. Don’t be disappointed – make up a pair and get your entry in now.
WHO MAY STAND ON THE HEAD - When I started bowls I was told I had to stand on the bank, in triples and in fours, if I was not delivering a bowl. These days if I look around the rinks (when the skip is bowling) I sometimes see a lead standing on the bank and sometimes the lead might be standing alongside the No 2 on the head. Who is allowed to be on the head and where must each stand? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 8 (Play, Players and their Duties). Read Law 37.
DATE CHANGE FOR MEN’S SINGLES AND PAIRS - With four of our players travelling to Ashburton to represent our Club at the National Chartered Clubs tournament in early February the following will be the format. Pairs - Sat 4 Feb and Saturday 18 Feb. Singles Sunday 5 Feb. 
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SENIOR PAIRS – These began some time ago but were not finalised until last Saturday. Congratulations to the winning team of Joyce Budge and Doreen Elton and a big “well done” to the other finalists, Maureen Parsons and Irene Millar.
HAWKES BAY v WANGANUI - Senior and Development teams (men and women) competed in Wanganui last weekend. Congratulations to “The Bay” for winning the competition but the success would not have been possible without the outstanding results of the women’s teams who won 14 games out of 16. Worthy of special merit was the singles clash between Jon O’Shea and Alan Dickson the current National Singles Champion. Jon won convincingly. Well done, Jon.

Official of the Year
: Barry Moore - Canterbury
Coach of the Year: Jointly to Clarrie Gillies and Tracey Caddy - Auckland
Administrator of the Year: (Don Manson Memorial Award, named after former chair of Bowls NZ)  Paddy O'Neill - Dunedin
Regional Media Award: (for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the sport through local media)  John Swinburn - Central FM
- Working with the Hawkes Bay Centre to create interesting and informative sessions that promote the sport, and presenting bowls as an exciting and relevant sport for all age groups
- In particular supportive of the sport's efforts to attract new and younger players.

National Media Award: (for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the sport through national TV or radio, or through national or major metropolitan newspapers)  Kevin Tutty - Christchurch Press
Centre of the Year:  Auckland Bowls
Club of the Year: Takapuna BC, North Harbour
Young player of the Year (under 25 at 1st September 2004): Ali Forsyth - Nelson
Player of the Year: Sharon Sims - Manawatu

SIZES OF BOWLS – The bowls I use are size 4 but they have the letters XH next to the number 4. Do you know what “XH” stands for? There are two bowl sizes smaller than size 1. Do you know what they are called? What is the largest bowl size? To find the answer click on the left hand column Section 3 (Equipment). Read Law 9C.
Footnote: XH = extra heavy
HB JUNIOR SINGLES (MEN & WOMEN) – These games will take place this coming weekend at Bowls Napier. Bowlers will play 4 games of 21 shots with 3 & 4 winners qualifying for “sudden death” play on Day 2.
ELAINE HOLLAND (R.I.P.) – Elaine, wife of Rex, and one of our bowlers passed away on New Year’s Eve. We wish Rex and his family our sincere sympathy.
WELL DONE, JACK – Congratulations to Jack Halka for reaching Post-Section play at the National Singles Tournament in Wellington.
HAWKES BAY v WANGANUI - Senior and Development teams (men and women) will travel to Wanganui this coming weekend for their annual fixture. The men’s teams will include Jon O’Shea, Barry Hanlen, Jack Philip, Darryl Le Claire and John McLaughlin.
SOME FALL AND SOME DON’T – Sometimes after the last bowl has come to rest you think it might topple over and finish closer to (or further away from) the jack. Are you allowed to wait in the hope a bowl might fall over ….. and, if so, how long can you wait? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 9 (Result of an End). Read Law 43.
NATIONALS – Nationals begin on Tuesday 27th December. The only club member I know of who is competing this week in Wellington is Jack Halka. At last year’s Nationals Jack reached the final 16 (I think) in the singles. We hope 2005-6 is even better. Good luck, Jack.
HAWKES BAY MEN’S & WOMEN’S JUNIOR SINGLES – Entries close on Friday 30th December. Games are played on January 14-15. If you are new to bowls you might enjoy this experience. The cost is only $10 and you are guaranteed four games on Day 1 - sudden death on Day 2. Remember everyone is beatable!
HE’S BOWLING AN ILLEGAL BOWL! – I was playing in our club’s Ham Tournament on December 17th when the opposing skip said to me, “Watch so-and-so, he’s bowling an illegal bowl. He’s delivering his bowl before the other person’s bowl has come to rest.”  When does possession of the rink transfer to the other team?  Was the skip’s comment a fair one or do you transfer possession when you leave the mat? To find the answer click on the left hand column Section 8 (Play, Players, Duties). Read Law 36.

A friend in Italy sent me this and I feel sure you will enjoy it.
Click on the link below and wait ...

SUPER BOWLS FINALS – were held in Pukekohe over the weekend. Those taking part were Robert Jacobs (Region 1), Nev Risbridge (Region 2), Jon O'Shea (Region 3) from our club, Rob Ashton (Region 4) and Mark Bracegirdle (Region 5). The Championship was won by Robert Jacobs who won all four of his round robin matches, placing him on eight points and putting him through to the World Indoor Championships, being held in New South Wales next April.
CLUB CHRISTMAS HAM – What a fantastic afternoon! Grounds were festooned with balloons and decorations and the greens took on a festive atmosphere. Over 100 bowlers played for three hours then stayed to enjoy each other’s company and share a BBQ. Numerous prizes were awarded, Val Ives sang a topical humorous song, and Joyce Budge, our President, read a poem about how we should treat one another and the need to be thankful for what we had. Finally she wished all members and their families a safe and happy Christmas. A sincere “thank you” to all who made this day special.
HB v BAY OF PLENTY – Senior and Development teams (men and women) competed against Bay of Plenty last Sunday in Taupo. As far as I know this meeting of the two provinces was “a first” and indications are that it should continue. BOP won both the Senior Section 28/20 and the Development Section 26/22. Well done BOP.
INCORRECT BOWL LIFTED - This happened at the HB Men’s Fours last weekend. A director on the head watched one of his team deliver a bowl. In its way was a short bowl from the next rink so the Director lifted the bowl and let his own pass through. When the bowl came to rest near the jack he realised that the bowl he had lifted belonged to his own team. What should now happen? Do you deliver the bowl again? Do you leave the bowl where it finished? Do you remove both the “lifted bowl” and the “delivered bowl”? Is the end dead? Is there another solution?

I cannot find a law which covers this situation but the FOREWORD states “unusual incidents” occur and “sportsmanship will prevail” and “common sense will find a solution”. To read the paragraph concerned Click on the left hand column Section 1 (Definitions). Read the Foreword
Footnote: Both skips decided that the delivered bowl would be considered “dead”. The lifted bowl was left where it was.

NATIONAL SCHOOL CHAMPS - Some members may not know that the three Taradale girls (Jenny Hong, Nicole Roberts and Katherine Mathews) who competed a week ago in the National Secondary Schools Championships are coached on our greens by John Hanlen. Special congratulations to Nicole and Katherine for finishing 6th (out of 12) in the pairs.
MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS – could not be played in October but they are now scheduled for February 4-5. Unfortunately the new dates may not suit everyone so the old entry forms have been replaced with blank forms and each team has to re-enter. Entries close on February 2nd.
BOWLS ON T.V AGAIN – (Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve)
Two highlight packages of the World Singles Champion of Champions finals are being screened on T.V One in December. The shows will include the women's final between Sharon Sims and Malaysia's Nor Iryani Azmi, and the men's final between Dwayne Cameron and Mark Walton of England. As well as the finals, highlights from the semi-finals will also be shown. The women's event will be screened on Christmas Eve at
4:00pm on TV One, while the men's will be screened on New Year's Eve at 4:00pm on TV One. Both shows will be an hour long.
EARTHQUAKE TOURNAMENT – This is an early reminder for those who want to enter the Earthquake Tournament (Triples) on February 3rd starting at
10.00 am. Teams must be mixed and Julie Haslett is accepting entries. Numbers will be limited so get in early or you may be disappointed. 1st Prize is $450.
ANOTHER NEW MEMBER – A warm welcome to our newest club member, Bruce Baikie. We know you will enjoy your time at Bowls Taradale.
– took place on the weekend at Bowls Napier. Sylvia Rowe was our sole representative and from what I heard all her games were tough, she played well and scores were close. She should feel very pleased with her efforts. Well done, Sylvia.
- Bowls Taradale hosted the Men’s Fours last weekend, December 10-11. Those responsible for preparing the greens and for making everything look so attractive are to be commended. The place looked immaculate. Rain affected play towards the close of Day 1 and the final game was cancelled. Of our three Taradale entries only the team of Paul Selby, Jon O’Shea, Jim Fitzsimons and Barry Hanlen made Post Section play. They are to be congratulated on reaching the quarter finals. The final was won by a team from Port Ahuriri (G McGarva, D Neilson, R Bartlett, J Cleary)
– One bowler sent me this training programme and suggested it might be of interest to some of our members. If it helps even one bowler it makes the inclusion worthwhile.  I have a bowls training program I wrote down some 14 years ago when I attended a coaching session with the national bowls coach John Mehrter. It's a half hour session and is more interesting then just drawing for hours.
Bowls Training Programme (half-hour session)
1. Deliver 12 jacks, with accuracy to different lengths.
2. Deliver 4 bowls on forehand (no jack) check if the 4 bowls finish together. Then do the same on the backhand.
3. Deliver to jack on forehand 6 ends, then 6 ends on backhand.
4. Draw to jack 1st bowl, then a 2 metre trail with 2nd bowl, then ditch weight with 3rd, then drive.
5. Then shot practice, draw to the four corners around the jack.

Check delivery as you practise.
Ensure you have the correct grip
Check to see your anchor foot is in the correct position.
Concentrate on your step.
Slow backswing.
Think weight.

- Early in the season I was playing a game of pairs in Havelock North. One player in the other team drove and struck the jack. Often a struck jack goes towards the ditch, or out to the side, but this one hit a bowl and rebounded forwards towards the mat. The distance between the mat and the jack seemed very short. From earlier newsletters I know when putting up the jack the minimum distance from the front centre of the mat to the jack is 23m. Do you know the minimum distance between the moved jack and the front centre of the mat?   (a) 20m   (b) 21m   (c) 22m   (d) 23m
To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 7 (Movement of the Jack). Read Law 30
Seventy-two secondary school bowlers are competing in the Sixth Annual National Secondary Schools Championships, at the Pakuranga and Howick bowling clubs on December 11-13. Play commenced at 8:30am on Sunday December 11, with competitors playing five round robin matches in sections of six. Bowlers will be looking to finish in the top three of their section to make it through to the main championship event. From Hawkes Bay are:
Girl's Singles -  Jenny Hong - Taradale High School
Girl's Pairs - Nicole Roberts, Katherine Mathews - Taradale High School

Footnote: Nicole and Katherine have gone through to the pairs Championships (post section). These are being played today at the Pakuranga Bowling Club

– If you want to enter this event you must put your name on the club noticeboard by this coming Thursday, December 15th. Cost is $4 per person.
– Senior and Development teams (men and women) will travel to Taupo on Sunday December 18th to compete against Bay of Plenty. The men’s teams will include club members Barry Hanlen, Jack Philip and John McLaughlin.
– Jon O’Shea goes to Pukekohe on December 18th for the NZ finals of Super Bowls. Jon, we wish you well for “the big one”.
– Most of the information in our newsletters also appears on our website. I was told yesterday that there are former Hawkes Bay bowlers living in Australia who look forward to checking our site and reading the latest bits of gossip (oops! “news”). Welcome, our overseas friends – and please accept our deepest sympathy for losing the cricket on Saturday!!!
– will take place next Saturday and Sunday, December 17-18.
TARADALE CLUB DECALS – If you want a set of these stickers for your bowls they are available from Terry Christensen at $4 per set. When playing at other bowling greens it is a very practical way of advertising our club and it quickly identifies you as one of ours.
CHOICE JOYCE – I overheard Father Christmas talking to our President (Joyce) the other night. She told him the Taradale Club stocks plenty of little “fillers” for Christmas stockings. Grippo and Crack-a-Jack to make the bowls look clean, polishing sleeves to make them sparkle, caps and sun-visors to ward off the hot HB sun, and more. All you have to do is ask the bar staff and they will show you what is available. I know Father Christmas was impressed. As he left he called out, “Choice Joyce.”
INTERCLUB WOMEN’S 7’s & 5’s – were played last Wednesday and Thursday. It proved difficult to field the strongest possible teams because some players had other commitments but those selected played steadily. Special congratulations to the Fours team (Joyce Budge, Marie Sherning, Del Girven and Wanda Guatieri) for their consistency. The 5's had a really good first day winning 5 out of 6 games but they could not maintain the pressure.
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP SENIOR PAIRS – were held last Saturday and Sunday, December 3 & 4, in very hot (31 degrees on Sunday) and very windy conditions. Good bowling made for some very close results. There was insufficient time to play the finals but when they take place Maureen Parsons and Irene Millar will compete against Joyce Budge and Doreen Elton
GAME STOPPAGE – We were playing in the Gardner Shield several weeks ago and the game had to be stopped because of rain. Six ends had been played and we were ahead by 15-0. When we met to play the same game this week there was some very heated discussion. Do we carry on from where we left off (that would certainly appeal to us) or do we start again (great for the other team)?  What does the Rule Book say about this situation? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 11 (Influences Affecting Play). Read Law 51A
STRETCHER / TRUNDLER – This is a message from our President, Joyce Budge. If a bowler has an accident on our bowling green we need something suitable to lie the patient on before lifting them up on to the bank. If you can help with something appropriate to donate or sell would you please phone Joyce.
HB MEN’S OPEN TRIPLES –A week ago we had rain and cold southerlies while this weekend brought hot gusty north westerlies. Four Taradale teams competed in the HB Triples on the weekend and two groups reached post section play. Getting as far as the quarter finals was the team of Bruce Mitchell (skip), Ray Falvey and John McLaughlin. Congratulations to Paul Selby (skip), Jon O’Shea and Jim Fitzsimons for going a step further and reaching the semifinals. Well done to all those members who took part in the competition. The event was won by Tony Terry, Denis Biggs & Mike Mabbet from Heretaunga.
MEN’S OPEN FOURS – Bowls Taradale will be hosting the Men’s Fours this coming weekend, December 10-11. If you get a chance to see some of the play I am sure players will appreciate your support and you will enjoy the experience.
HB WOMEN’S OPEN SINGLES – This competition takes place this coming weekend, December 10-11, at Bowls Napier. Good luck to those competing.
IT’S NOW 42 – New members this season have now reached 42 with at least one more still to be processed. A very warm welcome to Glenis Messervy and Gail Quate. We know you will enjoy your time with us.
AND IT’S NOW 80 – The number of club members who receive this newsletter by email is now 80. If you take into account that many have spouses who are also members then about 110 bowlers are included.  
– Last Tuesday Bowls Taradale hosted the Umpires Tournament. One of our members who was playing in the Tournament decided to go to Port Ahuriri Bowling Club instead. It took him a little while to figure out why no other bowler turned up. Perhaps a glance at the right hand column of our website or at Page 13 of our handbook might have saved him petrol and spared him the friendly banter from his team mates.
– Items for our Bowls Auction No 2 close this coming Wednesday, November 31st. Any relevant item (bowls, lifters, measures, clothing, etc) could be included. Don’t forget it includes “Wanted to Buy” as well as “For Sale”.
– took place last Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning at Port Ahuriri. The weather was unpleasant on Saturday and worse on Sunday. The final game was abandoned because of the rain.
– will be played over the next three days (Tues 29th  - Wed 30th  - Thu 1st)
Sevens.  Fours                              Pairs                                       Singles
             Joyce Budge       (skip)     Maureen Parsons                     Sylvia Rowe
             Dell Girven           ( 3)       Grace Williams  - Julie Haslett
             Marie sherning     (2)
             Wanda Guatieri    ( L)
Fives    Triples                               Pairs
            Wendy Mitchell      (S)       Fay Johnson
            Terry Christensen   (2)        Lillian Baird.
            Lois Hook              (L)
– takes place this coming weekend at Bowls Napier.
– next Saturday, December 3rd, is the closing date for Hawkes Bay Women’s Junior Pairs. Remember the high number of entries (16) we had in the Men’s Singles so (you only live once) why don’t you give this a go, ladies.
– I saw this happen at Bluff Hill. She said, “You should have stopped my bowl going near your head.” He said, “I was too busy and anyhow it is your bowl so you should have been looking after it yourself.” She said, “I am not allowed to touch bowls on your rink.” Who is correct?  To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 6 (Movement of Bowls). Read Law 28E
– I was playing last weekend in a game of singles against a man from Gisborne. We were playing sets and each set consisted of nine ends. During one end my opponent had delivered two bowls and I had delivered one. All three bowls were clustered close together just behind the jack. I wanted to have a closer look at the head so I walked up, saw how the bowls were placed then returned and delivered my second bowl. Naughty!!  The umpire told our marker I should not have approached the head. When playing sets, neither player is supposed to walk up and look at the head until each has delivered their third bowl. (Anyhow, I won that end, so there!!!)
– These began three weeks ago and the finals were played last Saturday morning. Congratulations to the winning team of Joyce Budge (skip), Marie Sherning, Doreen Elton and Bernice Neilson. The runners-up fought hard and are to be commended for coming a close second. They are Del Girven (skip), Jean Ehau, Agnes Shakeshaft and Jean Blackwell.
– Ross H, Jack P and I were playing triples at Port Ahuriri several weeks ago when we noticed the opposing skip was completely off the mat each time he drove a bowl. When we pointed it out to their No 2 she said she had been skip for many years and it was OK to have any part of the foot on or above the mat when you release the bowl. Was she correct? Must it be the whole foot or might it be only part of the foot? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 5 (The Game). Read Law 21A
– The World Champion of Champs Singles tournament is being held in Christchurch from November 19 and continues through to November 26. TV One will show the two finals on November 25 and 26. The women's final will be broadcast from 2:00pm-4:40pm on the Friday, while the men's final will be screened from 2:30pm-5:00pm on the Saturday.
– One way to improve your bowling is to play good bowlers. Sixteen of our members (that’s more entries than from any other club) took part in the HB Men’s Open Singles last weekend and all must benefit from the experience. Seven of that number reached Post-Section play. They were Jack Philip, Lex Parsons, Darryl Le Claire, Jim Fitzsimons, Bruce Mitchell, Paul Selby and Jon O’Shea. Congratulations to Darryl Le Claire and Paul Selby who reached the semifinals but had to play each other. The game was won by Paul Selby. Paul and George Ngamatua (Heretaunga) will play the final at a date yet to be decided.
– Senior and Development teams (men and women) will compete this coming weekend, Nov. 26-27, at Port Ahuriri. Our men are represented by Jon O’Shea, Barry Hanlen, Jack Philip, Darryl Le Claire and John McLaughlin. The Women’s Development Team did contain Wilma Ennor and Cheryl Humphrey but each had to retire for health reasons. We wish both a speedy recovery.
– Some may not know there is a 2x4x2 “mufti” competition for club members next Sunday afternoon, 27th November. Entries cost $4 pp and are limited to 32 teams. Why not make up a team have some fun?
– Bowls are like teenagers; they need direction. It has been brought to my attention that sometimes at the conclusion of an end (especially a short end) we can be a little careless in the way we kick bowls back. Occasionally a bowl wanders onto another rink. It isn’t always easy but please try to keep your bowls within the boundaries of your own rink.
– last weekend, November 12-13, seven Taradale teams took part – well done. Special congratulations to Paul Selby, Jim Fitzsimons and Jack Halka for qualifying for play on Day 2.
– At the start of the bowling season I wrote: 30 new members this season must make us the envy of every other club in Hawkes Bay. Let’s make these new players welcome”.  The number of new members this year has been really impressive. A further ten new players have joined our ranks since I wrote those words and there is at least one more person whose entry is still being processed. We are very pleased to welcome Beverley Beattie, Gordon Bell, Alan Dawe, Paula Evans, Murray Glassey, Ken Knowles, Bernie Menefy, Colin Salmon, Stan Simmonds and Sherrill Taylor. We trust you will enjoy your time with us.

– In the excitement of a game all sorts of strange things can occur. For instance a player might send down a bowl with a wrong bias or (and I wont mention any names) play a bowl out of turn. What is the procedure if a person plays out of turn? Should the bowl be stopped before coming to rest – and, if so, by whom? What happens if it disturbs another bowl or the jack? What happens if it doesn’t disturb anything? To find the answer click in the left hand column Section 11 (Influences Affecting Play). Read Law 50A

– these were held last weekend, November12-13. The warm gusty conditions did not seem to affect the high standard of bowling. Well done, ladies. Special congratulations to the six players who will have to compete in the finals at a future date. The two teams still in contention are:
with 2 lives - Lillian Baird (skip), Jenny Hosegood and Anne Dempsey
with 1 life - Sue Brock (skip), Wilma Ennor and Jean Speakman
- next Friday, November 18th
(a) HB Men’s Open Triples
(b) Women’s Interclub 7’s and 5’s
– will be held this coming weekend, November 19-20.  “Good bowling” to the 16 club members taking part. Games on Saturday are spread between Napier, Wairere, Port Ahuriri and Omarunui. 3 & 4 winners qualify for sudden death play-off at Bowls Napier on Sunday.
 - Grippo and Crack-a-Jack are not the only bowling items sold over the bar. The Club also stocks hat bands, pocket badges, polishing cloths, polishing sleeves, sun visors and caps – all at very reasonable prices. If you don’t support the Club and buy these products you can guess what will happen to them.
– I was told the men were going to Dannevirke to play against Kapiti but I was not aware the women were going too (I was probably told and forgot). Wilma Ennor (Women’s Development team) was our only club representative. Our best wishes went with all of them.
– I have added “Coming Events” to the right hand column of our website. You can now see at a glance what is coming up instead of having to click on to “Events Calendar”.
– Bowls NZ said the following events are going to be on TV.
EPISODE NINE: New Zealand vs. Australia - Triples
November 8   5:30pm Sky Sport 1
November 10 6:30am Sky Sport 2
November 11 9:30pm Sky Sport 2
– were played in hot, very windy conditions last Saturday. Thanks to all the markers who gave up their time to help. Both greens were full and the standard of bowling was very high. The large number of spectators who stayed right to the end is a tribute to the class of bowls being played. Thirty three starters have been whittled down to eleven. Three players still have two lives intact – Jon O’Shea, Phil Young and Paul Selby. One lifers include Clark Nicol, Jack Halka, Barry Hanlen, John Hanlen, Jim Fitzsimons, Bruce Mitchell, Robert Rae and John McLaughlin.
– During a game the other day a player lost her grip on a bowl as it was being delivered. It travelled less than half way up the rink. What is the minimum distance a bowl must travel in order to remain in play?   (a) 14m (b) 16m (c) 18m (d) 20m
If you want to know the answer click in the left hand column Section 6 (Movement of Bowls). Read Law 22
- These take place this coming Saturday November 12th at 8.30 am. Entries close on Thursday at 4 pm so don’t miss out if you want to take part.
(Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays 1pm) – While good weather plays a big part in determining if people play bowls the large numbers fronting up for roll-ups has been impressive. Often I hear people say how pleasant everyone is and how clean and fresh the greens and their surrounds look. Thanks to those members who give so generously of their time and thanks to each member for the courtesy you extend to fellow members. The great club spirit Bowls Taradale  possesses is due to each one of you.

– Craig Ennor was the official umpire during the Tong Cup and on several occasions he had to use the long tape measure to see if the jack was the correct distance. What is the shortest legal distance from the centre front of the mat to the jack?   (a) 19m   (b) 21m   (c) 23m   (d) 25m
For the answer
click in the left hand column Section 5 (The Game). Read 20

MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP FOURS – (and women’s) were played last weekend in hot breezy conditions. Three “one lifers” remain. Paul Selby’s team and Jon O’Shea’s team will play off for one spot in the final. The other finalist is Bruce Mitchell’s team. 
WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP FOURS – Two “one-lifers” are left. The skips of these teams are Del Girven and Joyce Budge. Congratulations to those players who are finalists and well done to everyone who took part in the competition.
HB MEN’S OPEN SINGLES – A reminder to men who want to play in the Hawkes Bay Open Singles on November 19-20. Entries for this close this coming Friday November 4th
GRIPPO and CRACK-A-JACK – Some of you might be surprised to learn that both of these items can be bought “over the bar” in our very own Taradale Club. When I checked today there were about 30 tubes of Grippo (only $7) and about 25 pots of Crack-a-Jack ($9). One club member told me this price is about $1 cheaper than in the sports shops. If you don’t know what Crack-a-Jack is the girls at the bar will be only too happy to show you. If you are struggling to suggest items for your children to buy you for Christmas (or a birthday) then why not get something to help your bowling.
– These begin next Saturday November 5th at 8.30 am. Entries close very soon so don’t miss out if you want to take part.

– Next Sunday, 6th November, four from our club will travel to Dannevirke to play against Kapiti. Jack Philip and Darryl Le Claire will play for the HB Development Team (10 years and under). Jon O’Shea and Barry Hanlen will be part of the HB Senior Men’s team. We wish you well.

PLACING THE MAT – I was playing a game of triples last week and it was my turn to place the mat. When I did so the opposing lead challenged my placement. There must be a minimum of 2m between the ditch and the mat but is it (a) between the ditch and the front edge of the mat or (b) between the ditch and the rear edge of the mat? For the answer click in the left hand column Section 5 (The Game). Read 18a

CHERYL & BOB REACH THE FINAL – Twelve of our junior players competed in the Tong Cup last Saturday and half of those qualified for “sudden death” play on Day 2. In front of an enthusiastic crowd on Sunday afternoon Cheryl Humphrey and Bob Gray played out the finals. They fought hard but finally succumbed to a team from Heretaunga.  Well done all those who took part and special congratulations to Cheryl and Bob.
– The first round of the Gardner Shield triples competition between each local club (Bay View, Wairere, Napier, Port, Bluff Hill, Omarunui and Taradale) took part today at Bowls Taradale this afternoon. Play will continue most Mondays for the next month and a half.
– You are playing a game and someone kills the jack. From my observation two things seem to happen when returning bowls to the mat end. Sometimes the bowls are rolled back sometimes they are carried. What should you do? Click in the left hand column Chapter 7 (Movement of the Jack). Read the last sentence in Section 31

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP FOURS – for both men and women start on Saturday October 29th. There is still time to make up a team and get your entry in. Entries close Thursday October 27th.

MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP TRIPLES - were completed on Saturday 8th October. Congratulations to the winning team of Bruce Mitchell, Ray Falvey and John McLaughlin who finished the competition with their two lives intact. The other finalist team (Ross Hamilton, Jack Philip and Graham Weber) fought hard and are to be congratulated. Peter Fletcher’s team (with Terry Shakeshaft and Denis Standring) must feel unlucky not to have reached the finals. They went down in the last bowl of the last end.  

– John Hanlen began his weekly coaching lessons last week. Everyone is welcome to attend. They are held each Thursday 4.00 – 6.30
SUNDAY 2x4x2
– This replaced the postponed Men’s Championship Pairs last Sunday 9th October. Both greens were full and players enjoyed a pleasant afternoon’s sport. 1st Bruce Mitchell & Craig Ennor   2nd Basil Hook & Bryan Gilbertson   3rd Jim Fitsimons & Bill Ripley   4th Terry Young & Charlie Demanser

– Jon played the zone final in Palmerston North last Saturday 8th October. His win there over the Taranaki representative means Jon will go to Pukekohe in December for the NZ Finals. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement.

– is held this coming weekend for bowlers (men and women) 5 years and under. Each team will play four games of 2.4.2 pairs (14 ends or 1.5 hours). Those who win 3&4 games qualify for sudden death play on Sunday. Good luck for those taking part.
– is a midweek triples competition between each club (Bay View, Wairere, Napier, Port, Bluff Hill, Omarunui and Taradale). We will host the first round of games next Monday 17 October at 1.30pm.
- An end is killed and one skip wants the bowls taken back to the end that has just been played but the other does not. What happens? Does the team that placed the mat have the choice? Does the team that killed the end have the choice? Is there another solution? Do you know the law relating to dead ends?  Click in the left hand column Chapter 7 (Movement of the Jack). Read Section 31
– 12 club members have now completed a 6 hours coaching course under the direction of John Hanlen. These people will assist John over the next few months to coach secondary students who want to experience bowling for the first time.
5 YEARS & UNDER – Three of our junior players (Barry Hanlen, Jack Philip, John McLaughlin) have made the 8-man team to play Kapiti at Dannevirke this coming Sunday.
– Jon O’Shea (HB winner) will play this Saturday in Palmerston North against the Taranaki Super Bowls representative. The winner will represent our zone in Auckland. Good luck, Jon.
– Do you know the law relating to standing on the head?  If you want to see the law click in the left hand column Chapter 8 (Play, Players, Duties). Read Section 37
(daylight saving) – starts THURSDAY 6th OCTOBER from 4.00 – 6.30 pm and each Thursday from then on. It doesn’t matter if you have been bowling for 20 years or 20 days this is your chance to have one-on-one coaching from our very own “NZ Coach of the Year” John Hanlen. Many older players did not have the luxury of a coach when they began bowling. This is a great opportunity to tweak the odd bad habit and improve your game. Perhaps you have a hip/knee/back problem and wonder how you can bowl better within these limitations. For those of you who are new bowlers this is a “must do”.
– Several members have asked where they can get information on other clubs and tournaments that might be on offer. To make access easier I have added some new links from our website to other sites in NZ and overseas. Click “bowling Sites” (in the left hand column).
– Congratulations to Jack Halka, Jon O’Shea and Lex Parsons for reaching Post-Section play in this tournament last weekend (Sept 24-25) and to the other club members who “gave-it-a-go”. A very special pat on the back to Jon O’Shea for winning the tournament. Well done, Jon!
– October is going to be busy as championships are about to get under way -  Men’s Triples, Men’s Pairs, Women’s Fours, Men’s Fours. The number of teams entered is impressive but the more entries the better. If you have not yet entered why not run down and do it now!! 
– entries close this coming Friday, 30th September. This competition is 2x4x2 pairs and is for bowlers (both men and women) five years and under. Quite a number of new bowlers compete in this tournament which will be held on October 15-16. Perhaps you could make up a team? Last year Jack Philip and Irene Millar won the cup. See p74 of the Centre Handbook for details
BOWL REBOUNDS OFF THE FACE OF THE BANK – Several weeks ago a player in our team drove a bowl into the ditch which then rebounded onto the green. We know what happens when the jack rebounds but what happens when a BOWL rebounds? Is it still alive?  Do you know the answer?  Check Section 6 in the left hand column (Movement of Bowls). Look up Law No 27

MONA PHARAZYN TROPHY – (mixed drawn pairs) too much rain, no game, what a shame!! 

– are broadcast over Newstalk ZB (1278 am).  Players may access information by phoning (06) 834-0404 (code 4488).  These details are on page 29 of our club handbook.

SCORE BOARDS / PAINTING – a number of people have commented on how attractive our greens are looking. The “blackboard bits” on the score boards have been renewed so they are easier to write on and to read. Seats and rubbish tins have been painted.

BOWLS ON T.V - Bowls New Zealand have acquired the rights to the women's International Tri-Series held at the Warilla Bowls and Recreation Club in Australia. The women's International Tri-Series has been made into nine programmes with the first show being broadcast on Sky Sport One, Tuesday, September 13, at 5pm. The following eight shows will be broadcast on this same channel every Tuesday, commencing at 5pm. Repeats of the shows will be aired on Sky Sport Two and Three each week.

COACHES FOR STUDENTS – On Thursday September 8th  John Hanlen began teaching 12 club members how to coach bowls. Very soon these “newbies” will be assisting John in coaching Year 12 (Form 6) students from Taradale and Tamatea High Schools. These sessions will help each coach teach the basic techniques of bowling in the same way.
PROGRESSIVE TRIPLES – Sunday 4 September – started at 10.00am in sunny weather with light winds. Although this fixture clashed with Fathers Day one green was completely full. For some new members this was their first time in a bowling competition.  Well done.
– Saturday 3 September – What a brilliant start! Both greens were full with almost 100 bowlers taking part.
NEW CLUB MEMBERS – 30 new members must make us the envy of every other club in Hawkes Bay.